There is a large number of the exercises directed to strengthening of a humeral belt. Some are carried out with additional weighting compounds, others are calculated on work with the mass of own body. The efficiency of exercises depends on correctness of the technology of their performance, weight which affects the trained muscle, and the number of approaches.
Some groups of muscles develop much more difficult than others. Trapezoid muscles, still known as trapezes belong to such group. Special exercise under the name of a shraga was developed for their training.
In this article recommendations about performance of shrag, their advantage, technology of performance and the recommended number of approaches will be considered.
Advantage of exercise and the involved muscles
The trapezoid muscle consists of three separate bunches of muscles to which rating different exercises are directed. Shrag are calculated on increase in mass of the top bunch of muscles. First of all this exercise increases inflow of blood to muscles of a neck and occipital area of the head.
It is important! Before starting this exercise, do fifteen-minute warm-up not to injure a muscle and a sinew of a humeral belt. You remember — shrag are calculated on inflating of trapezes therefore you do not transfer load from them to bicepses and muscles of a press.
Soft fabrics are enriched with oxygen — as a result, headaches vanish or weaken, mental activity is stimulated. The visual acuity as in a back share of a brain the visual center is located improves.
Performance of shrag will be useful for athletes fighters from the applied point of view. Shay with beefy trapezes can almost not clasp and apply a suffocation.
Athletes who are engaged in extreme types of driving on rollers, skateboards and bicycles will strengthen a muscular skeleton of a neck by means of shrag and will reduce the probability of developing of serious injuries of neck and head.
Whether you know? The name of this exercise came from the English word to shrug that in translation means to shrug shoulders. The power training uses shrag approximately since the end of the 20th century. Then knowledge of the person of own body increased so to do trainings not only on weight, but also to improve a technique of accumulation of muscle bulk.
In total at this exercise five groups of muscles are involved:
- the trapezes lifting a humeral belt up;
- intercostal;
- chest small;
- diamond-shaped;
- the muscles raising shovels.
Technology of performance
There are several ways of performance of shrag. The choice of a way depends on preferences of the athlete.
We recommend to esteem how it is correct to squat with a bar to the girl.
Classical shrag
Represent standard raising of a humeral belt on approaches with use of weighting compounds. Technology of performance simple, but any deviations from it lead to traumatism.
- Approach a rack with a bar. Accept a starting position — legs at shoulder length, are slightly bent in knees.
- Undertake a bar signature stamp palms to yourself, a thumb capture a signature stamp. Width of capture has to be slightly more than width of shoulders. If the bar lies on a floor, lift it, using stanovy draft not to injure a back muscle.
- Straighten a back and shoulders, feel a natural deflection of a waist, expose a breast before yourself. Raise the head, you hold a chin exactly, direct a look afar.
- Make a deep breath, hold the breath and, without changing position of a body, raise shoulders so as if you shake them, without knowing the answer to a question.
- Exhale, wait two seconds and lower shoulders in a starting position. Lower them until trapezes are not most strained and stretched.
- Repeat in several approaches.
Video: technology of performance of shrag with a bar
Shrag with a bar behind the back
This option of exercise suits those athletes who plan to correct the bearing deformed by a raising of weights and to straighten shoulders. Technology of performance practically does not differ from classical.
- Become so that the bar appeared behind you, having slightly bent knees.
- Take a signature stamp palms to yourself, inhale, hold the breath and raise shoulders, without changing position of hands.
- Exhale, detain weight for two seconds, and then gradually lower a bar to a limit.
- Do not relax shoulders at the end of approach performance that the weight of a bar did not injure humeral sinews.
Whether you know? The special popularity of a shraga was gained in the 1930th years when on the arena of strength sports Charles Atlas — the founder of bodybuilding as cultures appeared. He developed own system of dynamic exercises which call isotonic now. The popularity of power trainings died away a little after World War II and revived anew in the 1980th years — during an early era of popularity of the actor Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Number of approaches and number of repetitions
For achievement of fast and noticeable result it is necessary to train once a week. It is necessary to begin with four approaches on eight repetitions and to gradually increase intensity of exercise to five approaches on ten repetitions. If desired the last approach can be dragged out on two, having reduced weighting weight half.
Councils and recommendations
There are certain subtleties of performance of this exercise which should be known for the maximum safety of trainings and achievement of the necessary results.
Important! When performing shrag with a bar ask your neighbor to give you to hands a bar behind the back and to secure on the first approaches not to shift vertebral disks when raising a bar from a floor or a rack.
Widespread mistakes of beginners
The wrong performance of shrag leads to traumatism and a slow set of muscle bulk:
- breath delay. Do not hold the breath in operating time with a weight. Lift after a breath, lower after an exhalation — it will allow you to keep amplitude of movements throughout all exercise;
- inclinations. The case needs to be disciplined vertically. Do not try to cave in forward or back, to bend a backbone for removal of weight from shoulders as it leads to appearance of hernias;
- bending of elbows. Arms during performance of shrag have to be absolutely straight. Do not try to bend them in elbows — the weight of a bar will be displaced on bicepses, the efficiency of exercise will decrease;
- breakthroughs. After capture lift a bar smoothly, do not pull it up and do not drop not to stretch a back muscle;
- ducking. Keep direct position of a body. If you look exactly before yourself, then do not try to incline the head or to rotate it in different directions while at you in hands is bar. The ducking promotes rounding of a back and backbone that is fraught with injuries.
Learn as it is correct to do attacks for buttocks with a bar as it is correct to squat with a bar on shoulders and also frontal squats with a bar and the Romanian draft with a bar.
Nuances and cunnings of performance
The efficiency of this exercise depends on accurate following to technology of its performance.
There are certain nuances and subtleties which guarantee the fastest and safe set of muscle bulk:
- work with average weight. Excess weight of iron does not allow to reduce as much as possible trapezoid muscles, and the efficiency of performance of exercise decreases;
- if you only begin to practice shrag, use additional straps for uniform load distribution;
- avoid rotations by shoulders. Lift bar weight only at the expense of muscles not to erase shoulder joints;
- shrag are suitable for experienced athletes with evenly pumped over body. Beginners should switch attention from this exercise on pumping of the central muscles of a back.
Shrag are simple in performance and very effective exercise for pumping of trapezoid muscles. There are several ways of performance of this exercise which practically do not differ in the principle of action. Following to technology of performance and use in practice of its nuances will help safely and in short terms to gain desirable muscle bulk.