As it is correct to warm up to female athletes before a training"

As it is correct to warm up to female athletes before a training"

Visits of gym and training of the house take the important place in life of the modern girl which watches over the health and a figure. Correctly picked up set of exercises will allow to be in good shape, will make a body more flexible and strong. Many, beginning occupations at once start performance of heavy exercises, ignoring such important stage as warm-up. Why it is necessary to warm up before the main training and as it is correct to do it, we will consider further.

For what warm-up is necessary

It is important to know, for what purpose it is necessary to pay attention to a warming up before a training:

  • warm-up warms an organism, increasing temperature of fabrics, accelerating, thus, a metabolism in muscles and reducing risk of developing of injuries;
  • there is an acceleration of a warm rhythm that in turn improves supply of an organism with oxygen;
  • in the course of warm-up there is a stimulation of the nervous centers thanks to what the organism becomes more hardy and not so quickly gets tired during major activities.

Whether you know? Muscles have bigger density, than fat therefore the person of athletic addition can be heavier than the corpulent person with an identical growth.

Video: for what warm-up before occupations can be necessary the Training without warming up is dangerous:

  • considerably the risk of developing of ligament injuries and joints, stretchings, dislocations increases;
  • the fast approach of fatigue during the training connected with the fact that heart and muscles without preparation badly get into gear;
  • decrease in intensity of exercises, as a result smaller effect of occupations.

We advise to esteem about what it is useful and as it is correct to do an extension.

How many good warm-up has to last

To increase heart rate and to properly warm muscles and sheaves, it is necessary to give to warm-up from 15 to 30 minutes, including kardio exercises

Exercises for warm-up before a training

The warm-up complex can differ depending on the place of a training (at home or in gym), but the general scheme is approximately identical.


If you train to houses, your occupations have to begin with the warm-up available in these conditions. It is necessary to begin a training with aerobic loading, its task to accelerate work of heart, saturating at the same time blood and muscles with oxygen.

Examine the main exercises for performance of a handstand and also learn how to stretch for a cross split and how to learn to stand on the head.

Houses for this purpose fast walking or easy jogging on the place (5-10 minutes) will approach. The next stage is the articulate gymnastics directed to preparing sinews and joints for work.

The gymnastics includes the main exercises:

  • turns of the head in the parties. It is necessary to rise in a starting position, exactly, having straightened a back, legs at shoulder length, to smoothly turn the head serially to the right and left shoulder of 8-10 times in total;
  • complex warm-up for hands assumes development of joints. Being in a starting position, we make rotary motions by hands, then we set in motion a forearm due to rotation of elbow joints and we finish a complex rotation of shoulder joints forward and back. About 5-8 repetitions have to fall on each element.

Whether you know? It appears, the woman's body by nature more flexibl, than men's. It is connected with the fact that the female body produces more elastin to provide the easy course of patrimonial activity.

  • moves with turn of the case finish warm-up of hands and shoulders. For this purpose the hands bent in elbows are located at the level of a breast and the sharp parting movements in the parties are made, the case at the same time turns into each two accounts to the right and to the left. In total 8 repetitions;
  • warm-up of the case includes inclinations in the parties and rotation by a basin. Hands are located on a waist, the case smoothly bends to the left side, then — in right. Movements have to be slightly springing better to stretch side muscles of a press. Total number of inclinations 8-10;

We recommend to learn more about run, a level, a kallanetika, stretching, a step aerobics, fitness, water aerobics, exercises on a fitball, sports and Scandinavian walking and also how to do kardio houses.

  • without changing situation, we make rotary motions by a basin in one and other parties, keeping a bearing;
  • warm-up of legs and knee joints. To develop knees, it is necessary to rise, having connected legs together, to rest palms against knees and, without parting them, to make rotary motions serially in one and other party.

Finishes a warm-up complex an extension of muscles (on 10 repetitions):

  • inclinations in the parties with pulling up an opposite hand;
  • inclinations forward, reaching palms a floor, keeping knees straight lines;
  • squats with a direct back.

Video: warm-up before a training

In gym

If you are engaged in gym, the general scheme of warm-up remains without changes — cardioexercises, articulate gymnastics, a dynamic extension.

The difference consists only in some moments:

  • aerobic part is carried out on the racetrack, the exercise bike or an orbitreka within 7-10 minutes with gradual acceleration of speed;
  • when performing exercises on extension of muscles of hands the rubber expander which increases loading can be used;
  • squats at warm-up are carried out in several stages: 1 approach of squats without additional weight, two approaches with bodibary (a gymnastic stick) on shoulders.

Important! Also the first approaches of exercises from the main training made without weighting or with the minimum weight belong to warm-up.

Exercises on an extension after the training

That sports activities yielded good result, it is necessary not only to begin correctly, but also to finish a training. Many experts recommend to carry out the hitches complex at the end of occupation. Under this term the moderate cardioloading and the subsequent smooth static extension of muscles of all body is supposed.

It will be useful for you to esteem how it is correct to begin to play sports what secrets of an effective training as it is correct to begin to be engaged to the beginner in gym, how much time you need to spend for trainings to lose weight.

The purpose of a postrenirovochny extension consists in stretching of fibers of the clogged muscles, improvement of their blood supply that in turn accelerates recovery process.

As soon as you finished the main part of occupation, go to the cardiovascular machine, it is the best of all if it is the racetrack. Speed and loading should not be excessive, easy jogging or walking of high intensity within 5 minutes will approach.

Video: an extension after the training After aerobic loading it is necessary to restore breath and to start extension of all groups of muscles:

  • pectoral muscles. It is necessary to cross hands over the head, having clasped an opposite elbow, to kneel, to rest hands against a chair or a bench and to bend a backbone, seeking to lower a thorax as low as possible;
  • the broadest muscles of a back. Exercise is similar to previous, but is carried out in a standing position, straight arms it is necessary to undertake the support which is at the level of a belt without bending legs and a back to carry out smooth inclinations, bending a backbone;
  • shoulders. A straight arm take before yourself aside an opposite shoulder, an opposite hand press on an elbow of the taken-away hand and press several springing movements, then change hands and repeat exercise;
  • the neck warms up very simply: in a standing position, hands on a belt, carefully incline the head to the right, to feeling of a tension, then to the left, repeat several times;
  • biceps of legs. For its stretching sit down on a floor or a bench, extend one direct leg forward and gradually try to reach her sock hands, without bending a knee. To repeat with other leg;
  • the internal surface of a hip stretches in the pose similar to a lotus pose. It is necessary to sit down on a floor, to bend legs in knees, a foot to put feet to each other. In such situation carry out inclinations forward, trying to lay down a breast on a foot;
  • the quadriceps stretches in a standing position. It is necessary to clasp with a hand foot and, having bent a leg in a knee, to try to nestle as much as possible a heel on a buttock. Similarly with other leg;
  • gastrocnemius muscle. Get up on the eminence so that heels were without support, then slowly lower them down as far as possible.

Video: an extension after the training

What to do if after the training muscles hurt

Such phenomenon as delayed onset muscle soreness is known to each beginner and the professional athlete. In muscle fibers during the training there is a release of lactic acid and blood supply, respectively, in the subsequent after classes days is broken while lactic acid breaks up, the person has pain.

Experienced body builders are convinced that this pain needs to be endured, however if your task consists in maintenance of physical shape, but not in accumulation of volume of muscles, you can use recommendations about prevention and reduction of delayed onset muscle soreness.

Learn more about what to do if muscles after the training hurt.

  • the first and major condition is the warming up before a training;
  • to increase the speed of removal of the formed lactic acid, it is recommended to apply the approach respite method, rest between approaches has to make no more than 1 minute, it is ideal — 25-30 seconds;
  • to remove "downtroddenness" of muscles and to improve blood circulation the hot bathtub will help with fabrics, and it is even better, a shower as the powerful pressure of water will increase effectiveness of the procedure due to massage effect;
  • the campaign in a bath, besides a warming up and strengthening of blood supply of fabrics, plus of such procedure is the fact that lactic acid is partially emitted together with then;
  • the drinking mode is extremely important for the recovery period after the training. It is the best of all to use clean still water or green tea without sugar;
  • massage and self-massage. After the wearisome training the session of the general massage will help to kill body pain if there is no opportunity to carry out the procedure, then it is possible to try to razmassirovat the most affected parts of the body independently;
  • extreme option of removal of delayed onset muscle soreness is intake of nonsteroid anti-inflammatory medicines, however it is admissible in exceptional cases when it is impossible to suffer from pain. Before reception it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

Video: how to get rid of muscle pain after the training

It is important! Remember that the female body can slow down recovery functions in the period of periods therefore it is important to adjust intensity of trainings during this period.

Having considered features of warm-up before a training, we were convinced that this stage is an integral part of full-fledged occupation. Performance of an extension will significantly reduce risk of developing of injuries of the musculoskeletal device, and completion of occupations an extension will help to win against delayed onset muscle soreness.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
