Circuit training for men and women: complexes of effective exercises

Circuit training for men and women: complexes of effective exercises

To quickly remove hated kilograms and it is good to pump over muscles of all body special occupations — circular trainings which main objective consists in an effective zhiroszhiganiye and activization of processes of weight loss will help. Similar occupations consist of cardioloadings and power exercises that allows to load completely in only 30-40 minutes all groups of muscles. Let's find out, than similar trainings are still characterized and in what their main advantage.

What is a circuit training

The circuit training is a complex from several exercises which are carried out one after another with the minimum interval of rest between them. As a result of such training the organism receives enormous load of all groups of muscles that starts processes of a zhiroszhiganiye thanks to which there is a loss of extra kilos.

Instead of the word complex often tell cycle — it means that all exercises it is necessary to carry out a certain number of times, for a certain limited period. At the same time between exercises within one cycle the pause in several seconds is allowed. Between cycles the break can be more long.

Whether you know? For the first time started talking about a circuit training in 1953 in Great Britain when trainers Anderson and Morgan developed the special training which is carried out by the principle of circular repetition of exercises, directed to the general improvement of a human body.

It should be noted that the training around is considered the most productive in respect of combustion of fats as it allows to involve all groups of muscles, to start weight loss processes, to bring a body into a form, and at the same time — not to gain muscle bulk.

Video: about a circuit training

Than it is useful

The circular training enjoys wide popularity thanks to what allows to achieve good results in weight loss without use of additional sports equipment, exercise machines, etc.

Important! Trainings by the principle of circle are rather intensive. Therefore before starting occupations, it is necessary to consult with the doctor.

It has a number of key advantages:

  • allows to influence all body for a short time;
  • positively affects endurance;
  • in the best way is suitable for active combustion of fatty tissue;
  • increases power indicators;
  • improves functioning of a digestive tract, accelerates exchange processes;
  • strengthens a cardiovascular system;
  • promotes preservation of volume of muscles;
  • gives the chance to give classes in the conditions of the house;
  • contains a big range of various exercises for occupations, with an opportunity to choose the simplest and convenient;
  • guarantees efficiency in respect of the spent time.

Harm and contraindications

During circuit trainings all muscles and many systems of an organism receive high loading which in certain cases can be hazardous to health.

It is necessary to refuse holding a similar training at:

  • serious illnesses of heart and vessels;
  • presence of any injuries;
  • recovering from a disease;
  • hypertensions as there is a risk of rapid increase in arterial blood pressure;
  • to bezuglevodny diet as it can become the cause of faints and development of a hypoglycemia;
  • diabetes as in the course of performance of exercises the glucose level in blood significantly decreases;
  • arthritis as strong strain is experienced by joints;
  • diseases of knees and backbone.

Important! The excessive physical activity can lead to development of chronic fatigue. It is regularly necessary to be engaged, but with rest, at least — one day between occupations.

Very important by drawing up the program of trainings to consult on the qualified trainer — only then the injury risk of such occupations will be minimum. Besides, it is necessary to be engaged in the comfortable footwear which is specially intended for sport.

Types of exercises of circuit trainings

The main feature of a circular training is that it includes two types of exercises: power and aerobic.


The circular training on the basis of power exercises allows to burn at 30% of calories more, than when performing a classical power training. In the course of the occupations the multiarticulate general exercises directed to study of large groups of muscles are most often used.

Trainings with use of exercise machines are suitable for beginners more. After technology of performance is correctly put, it is possible to involve free weight — dumbbells, bars, weights, etc.

Get acquainted with a set of exercises for development of force.

All power operations are performed repeatedly, with several approaches, and on each muscle only one exercise is applied. Trainings are recommended to be provided not more often than 2–3 times a week.

During each occupation it is carried out till 10-15 exercises on force with approach by 2–3 times, and from 50 and more on kardio — for example, jumps. There is a huge variety of power complexes which can be used in circular trainings.

It is possible to distinguish several simplest from them, and at the same time — the most productive:

  1. Squat with dumbbells or a bar (it is possible to apply squats in Smith's car to beginners). The dumbbell should be taken in both hands, a position — standing, legs at shoulder length. To sit down slowly, bending knees and holding a back the most direct. When hips reach situation parallel to a floor, it is necessary to rise, carrying out an exhalation on effort. To do exercise necessary number of times.
  2. Attacks with weighting (dumbbells and a bar). An initial position (nominative) — standing, in dumbbell hands. On an exhalation to take a step as much as possible forward and to fall down — the hip has to be located parallel to a floor, and the leg behind to create a corner in 90 °, without touching by a floor knee. On an exhalation to return to an initial pose. To repeat on other leg. Well trains buttocks, an internal part of a hip.
  3. Press of a bar or dumbbell lying. Exercise gives the chance to well work pectoral muscles and also muscles of hands, in particular a triceps. Nominative — lying on a bench, a foot are densely recorded on a floor. To put hands on a bar, slightly already width of shoulders, to extend up. On an exhalation to lower a shell to the lower area of a breast, but without touching the case, and on a breath — to straighten hands a powerful push up. When performing the elbows have to be located most close to a trunk.
  4. Stanovy draft. Nominative — standing, legs slightly already width of shoulders, in hands of a dumbbell or a signature stamp. On a breath slowly, with the straightened back to lower hands, holding them near a body, at the same time to take away buttocks back. On an exhalation — on the same trajectory to return to nominative.
  5. Raising of dumbbells. Nominative — standing directly, legs at shoulder length, in dumbbell hands. Taking a breath, to bend hands in elbows and to bring to shoulders. Exhaling, to accept an initial position.

All operations are recommended to be performed with average intensity, gradually increasing the pace. The weight of shells needs to be chosen such that the last two repetitions were followed by muscular refusal.


If the purpose of trainings is in burning as much as possible calories and quicker to lose extra kilos, it is necessary to pay attention to aerobic loadings. Each look kardio should be carried out for five minutes with variable intensity: low, average and high. It is possible to repeat 2–3 circles, combining it with performance of power exercises.

It is important! If the program of trainings includes application of power and aerobic loadings, experts recommend to use shells with more lightweight to be valid to carry out till 10-15 repetitions.

Such aerobic exercises give the greatest efficiency:

  • rope jumping or rope;
  • driving on the exercise bike;
  • jogging on the racetrack;
  • pliometriya which is based on different types of jumps: in height with raising of knees, on one leg, with overcoming obstacles;
  • walking on the elliptic exercise machine.

Rules of trainings

That the circuit training was not just usual physical education, and yielded desirable result and was directed to all groups of muscles, during performance of a training it is necessary to follow some rules:

  • before implementation of the program it is necessary to prepare the plan in which to paint training stages on days;
  • in front of the main unit of exercises without fail to make small, easy warm-up;
  • to begin to study muscles it is necessary from exercises with the smallest loading, gradually increasing intensity;
  • at the initial stage it is better for beginners to replace work with free weight as trainings on exercise machines;
  • in one cycle it is necessary to do from 10 power exercises and from 50 — aerobic. The time interval between circles should not exceed 1 minutes;
  • duration of a training has to be no more than 30-40 minutes;
  • the minimum interval between occupations has to make one day;
  • apparatuses in house conditions can be replaced with exercises with body weight.

Learn what is a functional training.

Wherever classes, in gym or in house conditions were given, they always have to begin with warm-up, and come to an end with a hitch/extension.

Video: aerobic fat-burning circuit training

Complex of trainings

Today the set of various programs for circuit trainings which are intended for men and for women is developed. However any scheme of a training has to be selected individually, taking into account physical training of the athlete, his age and presence of any diseases. The experienced trainer will help to make such program.

It will be useful for you to esteem how it is correct to combine kardio and power trainings.

In house conditions

At home it is possible to carry out a simple set of exercises without exercise machines which will be ideal for beginners, for girls and also for people with the average level of physical training. The program is calculated for three days and includes the following exercises:

Training No. 1:

  • classical squats;
  • level with deduction;
  • squats with jumps;
  • classical twisting;
  • exercise bicycle;
  • serial moves legs;
  • attacks with weighting;
  • running on the spot or jumps on a jump rope.

Training No. 2:

  • run with high raising of knees;
  • jumps in attacks;
  • push-ups from a floor;
  • side twisting;
  • side level;
  • attacks with dumbbells forward;
  • exercise scissors.

Training No. 3:

  • jumps on a jump rope;
  • jumps in a wide prisest;
  • press of dumbbells in the parties;
  • walking in a level;
  • squats with dumbbells;
  • moves legs.

It is necessary to pay attention that all exercises are carried out 15–20 times, on three circles. Kardio lasts about two minutes, a statics (levels) — from 30 seconds to 2 minutes.

Important! It is not recommended to carry out in a row exercises calculated on study of the same group of muscles.

In gym

The training in gym is based on use of various exercise machines and shells which will allow to burn more calories and fat and also to keep the volume of muscle bulk. All week-long training can be divided into three complexes:

Training No. 1 is study of pectoral muscles and muscles of a back:

  1. Signature stamp press from a breast: nominative — lying on a bench, a stupnyama emphasis in a floor, hands are extended with a signature stamp up. On an exhalation to lower a bar to the level of the lower part of a breast, on a breath to straighten hands. When performing a press to hold elbows as it is possible closer to a body.
  2. Draft of the top block: nominative — sitting on a bench, hips tight are recorded, fingers of hands hold a crossbeam, at the same time width of the successful fellow such is that elbows are located in parallel each other. Exhaling, to slowly lower a crossbeam down to the level of a breast and to be late for 3–5 seconds. At this time to watch that shovels were cramped together. On a breath to return to nominative.
  3. Jumps on a jump rope — for two minutes.
  4. Cultivation of hands on the crossover: nominative — standing directly between two blocks, hands hold handles, one leg acts a little forward, legs of a sleg are bent in knees. Slowly, on an exhalation to cramp hands by effort of muscles of a breast, directing to the center of the case, at the same time shoulders and a breast have to be developed. On a breath to take an initial position.
  5. Draft on the rowing exercise machine: nominative — sitting in the rowing exercise machine, the case is a little inclined forward, legs are recorded and a little bent, in hands — handles. Making an exhalation, to pull handles to a breast, as much as possible keeping the case motionless, and a back — equal. Taking a breath, to return to nominative.
  6. Walking on the elliptic exercise machine — 2 minutes.
  7. Classical push-ups.
  8. Jogging on the racetrack — 2 minutes.

All program it is necessary to repeat four circles.

Training No. 2 — is calculated on legs and shoulders:

  1. Deep squats.
  2. Press of dumbbells in a sitting position: nominative — sitting on a bench, in dumbbell hands at the level of shoulders. On an exhalation to lift dumbbells, to record a position for 2–3 minutes, then to lower back.
  3. Jumps on a jump rope — 2 minutes.
  4. Bending of legs.
  5. Lifting of dumbbells with cultivation of hands: nominative — standing, in dumbbell hands. On an exhalation to raise hands in the parties to level parallel to a floor, on a breath to lower, however not to throw a dumbbell, and to return in nominative with effort.
  6. Walking on the elliptic exercise machine — 2 minutes.
  7. Attacks with weighting.
  8. Lifting of dumbbells before a breast: nominative — standing, in dumbbell hands. Exhaling, to raise hands before itself to breast level, on a breath to lower.
  9. Run on the racetrack — 2 minutes.
  10. Stanovy draft.
  11. Jumps on a jump rope — 2 minutes.

Video: the circuit training on legs Training No. 3 — consists of exercises on a press and muscles of hands, in particular bicepses and tricepses:

  1. Bending of hands with dumbbells upright: nominative — standing, in hands of a dumbbell, hands are completely weakened and lowered. Exhaling, to bend one hand in an elbow, to tighten a shell to shoulder level, on a breath to lower. To do the same manipulations with the second hand.
  2. Jumps on a jump rope — 2 minutes.
  3. Draft on the top block.
  4. Classical twisting of the case.
  5. Bending of hands on the lower block: nominative — standing, in hands the handle. On an exhalation by powerful effort to bend hands, by effort of bicepses to lift the handle up, to be recorded for several seconds. On a breath to accept nominative.
  6. Walking on the elliptic exercise machine — 2 minutes.
  7. Twisting bicycle.
  8. Jogging on the racetrack — 2 minutes.

Video: the circuit training on an upper body This functional program perfectly will be suitable both for men, and for women — it is only necessary to regulate intensity of a training, using the different number of approaches and repetitions. Classical push-ups can also be replaced with exercises on a horizontal bar or bars, and instead of dumbbells to make a training with the weight.

Important! Repeated repetition of physical exercises promotes improvement of elasticity of muscles and vessels that, in turn, positively influences work of a cardiovascular system and revitalizes it.

Councils for beginners

Starting circular occupations, the beginning athletes should listen to some councils which are provided by the qualified athletes-trainers:

  • it is necessary to begin occupations on exercise machines, and three-four weeks later it is possible to practice with a free weight;
  • before a training it is necessary to make warm-up, after — a hitch;
  • not to be engaged on a full stomach, an interval between occupations and has to make not less than 1.5-2 hours meal;
  • not to make exercise by inertia, to carry out with effort;
  • without fail it is necessary to drink 2–3 pure liters a day. Calculation of amount of necessary liquid is performed according to the following scheme: 30 ml on each kilogram of weight;
  • trainings need to be held regularly, only then it will be possible to expect desirable results.

Circular training — one of the most effective complexes for weight loss at which loading is received by all groups of muscles.

Whether you know? In the course of extension of muscles the amount of muscle fibers does not change, increases only their thickness.

However it is necessary to understand that even competent and regular performance of all exercises will not be able to yield positive results without cardinal change of a way of life: refusal of addictions, low-quality and harmful products. Only in a complex it is possible to achieve a beautiful relief body and good health.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
