All about parrots how to call the pet

All about parrots how to call the pet

The lory, cockatoo, the macaw and other representatives of group of popugayeobrazny are perfectly familiar to all. It is not necessary to be the expert at first sight to distinguish them from other birds on a hooked beak and the bright coloring characteristic of the majority of species of parrots.

People most of all like their ability to imitate the speech of the person. Probably, not the last role in it is played by language of parrots, round, fleshy, very mobile. Fingers of parrots, as well as cuckoos, are grouped in two couples – front and back. Distinctive feature of all parrots is the powerful beak. Its basis is covered with naked skin on which there are openings of nostrils. In total in the nature there are more than 650 species of the parrots widespread in the countries with a warm and temperate climate.

Amazona and macawTo lines, the distinguishing amazon from other types, medium-sized round language and cross fillets on an external tip of the lower jaw belongs. The area of dwelling stretches from nizoviya of Amazon to Cuba and the Lesser Antilles. As well as the large zelenokryly macaws living in selvas of Panama and South America of an amazona eat fruit and seeds. The most elegant of family of parrots – the macaw, radical inhabitants of not tropical zone. Their appearance is very extravagant – a long tail, a huge beak, neoperenny cheeks with narrow pen-type "paths", bright and motley coloring. The red macaw, a bird of almost meter length, crimson color, with blue feathers in the tail often appears as a favourite pet. All these species of birds very easily study to speak. However, to all of them it is far to talents zhako.

ZhakoAfrican zhako as the place of the dwelling chose the jungle of Zaire and the coast of Guinea. Plumage of this parrot almost ashy with brightly crimson tail. Eats zhako usually bananas, fruits of mango and other tropical fruit. To build nests is lazy, and lays eggs in any hollow. In the conditions of bondage easily begins to imitate various sounds and to talk.

Recommendations about contents

Today very many get different types of parrots as a pet. In order that to make life of a parrot in bondage more comfortable, it is necessary to follow some rules: 1. Not less than two times a year need to be given medicine for worms.2. Not to leave a cage with parrots in the smoked rooms, on a draft, in kitchen or bathing.3. To feed a bird only with a fresh forage, including fruit and vegetables.4. The cage has to the big size. 5. Cleaning in a cage has to be daily.

How to call the pet

Often names of parrots it is just reduced option of human names. Sometimes as a nickname of a parrot names popular animation or cinema of heroes are used. If the birdie is bought privately or in pet-shop, then, it is quite probable that she already has a nickname, it is simple to recognize her from the former owner enough. But specialists ornithologists recommend that in a name of the pet there were hissing sounds and the letters "h" and "k" since will be to repeat them the easiest to a parrot. For some reason parrots adore "growling" therefore the sound "р" in a name will be as it is impossible by the way. It is necessary to remember that parrots usually pronounce words drawlingly, and the Missile defense-au-Osh for this purpose needs vowels which can be stretched, for example. Considering a subject how to call a parrot, many try to pick up very elaborate nickname, without knowing as it will influence on people around and a bird. But, if the name rather ridiculous, then repetition by his parrot is capable to lighten the mood to all audience. Still it is necessary to take into account that the name of a parrot should not be similar to names of owners or other pets. As options of names it is possible to consider names - Shurshun, Arkasha, Elvira, the Dawdler, Bianka, Archik, Berta, Chernysh, Dzhipsi, Kesha, Gerda, Carlos, Kiki, Tisha, Sherry and similar.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
