Bringing up of chickens in the first days of their life allows to reduce death of birds by a third, in the first ten days the most part of a brood perishes. Partly for this reason to layers do not trust to bring up posterity even in villages. Practice showed that the probability of chickens to survive in the first day much above if to give them water and easy food.
1. The chickens who only hatched need to allow to dry then to put in a flat dish incubator with food. In the first days for feeding it is necessary to pound a boiled egg yolk with the processed corn grits or semolina. On each ten chickens you will need 1 yolks and 0.5 glasses of grain. Add greens (it can be small chopped onions).
2. You feed baby birds each two-three hours including at night. Update water, it has to be boiled without impurity of limestone or soda. For improvement of digestion of chickens leave at a drinking bowl liquid kefir in a flat dish.
3. For the tenth day increase quantity of a grass, enter into a diet cottage cheese and skim milk instead of kefir. Do not forget to put the sifted sand in a bowl, it will help to normalize digestion of chickens and also to adapt an organism to acceptance of new food from the eleventh day. It is possible to add a shredded egg shell or ashes to sand.
4. From 11 in the afternoon pour to chickens low-fat meat broth with inclusion of meat or giblets. Often it is not necessary to feed any more, the break between receptions has to be till 6 o'clock. Surely remove food waste, do not allow their souring or rotting.
5. From the tenth day of life of chickens it is possible to give them fish broth with giblets, to add bean. In a diet of broilers from second week of life it is necessary to increase quantity of green forages, to add small chopped carrots.
6. Cakes and cakes in a diet of twenty-day broilers have to make not less than 20% of volume of a dry feed. A part grain can be replaced with potatoes. Water in drinking bowls needs to be changed regularly. Sour water – a source of diseases. Do not forget to give vitamin fertilizing, it is better to get them in specialized pharmacies. Criterion for evaluation of development of chickens – their activity and gluttony. Healthy individuals well move, have soft brilliant down.