The Scottish lop-eared – very original cats. The touching hung ears and huge eyes give to their muzzles children's expression. At the same time the adult animal differs in a dense constitution, powerful frame and silky dense wool. Choosing a name for future pet, consider all features of his unusual appearance, a color and character.
1. The choice of a name for a cat – business responsible. It is necessary that the nickname was pleasant to all house. Offer them a competition – let everyone will write interesting nicknames on pieces of paper, will put in a cap or a bag. The youngest in family has to pull out a piece of paper with a name which will be born by your pet. However if it categorically does not suit the others, the draw should be repeated.
2. If you bought a thoroughbred kitten from a family tree, he already has a name. However in life you can call the pet differently. A barberry the Star of the East or Flauerfield Jay can become champions of breed and win prizes at exhibitions, however at home it will be more convenient to them to be called as Barbariska or Fly.
3. Estimate appearance of the kid. The Scottish lop-eared kitten, growing up, will keep the sweet children's muzzle. Therefore he quite will suit amusing, touching diminutive-hypocoristic nicknames.
4. You are at a loss with the choice of suitable words? Look through encyclopedias and dictionaries – there for certain will be original ideas. The fine option for the Scottish kitten is to emphasize with a nickname his "overseas" origin. Name a funny black-and-white small animal Duncan, and the red baby – Ginevra. When they grow up, original names very much will suit them.
5. Avoid very compound and long words – the cat will not be able to catch that you address him. Two-trisyllabic words with the repeating vowels are ideal. According to felinologists, kittens love the repeating vowels and also the hissing sounds. The simple, but memorable words like "Chips", "Lily", Delilah quite will suit a small animal.
6. Do not call a cat by a nickname in consonance with names of other animals living in the house. He can become puzzled and will cease to respond to call. Having chosen a suitable nickname, call a kitten only by name. Do not distort it, do not add diminutive suffixes so far the small animal will not get used.