Arrangement of a new aquarium means also a background construction. Scenery against the background of which we have an opportunity to watch inhabitants of the underwater world have to be pleasant for an eye and are natural. Purchase of a background in pet-shop can cost you in the decent sum therefore it makes sense to be engaged in its production independently. The result, undoubtedly, will please you.
It is required to you
- Expanded polystyrene, sealant, knife, non-toxic paints.
1. What background to choose? If you prefer to part in aquarium versions tsikhlid, then it will be best of all to be combined with these small fishes a rocky background.
2. Cut out the piece corresponding by the size to a back wall of your aquarium from expanded polystyrene. If you do not manage to find a piece of the suitable size, you can execute a background from three-four parts. Combining layers, you watch that joints did not coincide among themselves (as at a bricklaying).
3. At the edges of future background organize ledges, it will allow to give to a background more volume look. Having cut out pieces of material of the necessary thickness, connect them sealant. Use special sealant for gluing together of aquariums as it does not allocate in water of the substances harmful to living organisms.
4. Let's sealant dry approximately day then start preparation cutting. From a reverse side of a background make a cut in which you will be able to place the heater. The filter is not recommended to be hidden for a background, it can worsen quality of filtration of water.
5. On the front surface of preparation cut through flutes, their arrangement can be any, the main thing that contours of a rocky surface as a result appeared. In certain places it is possible to cut out peculiar peshcherka which will serve further as the shelter for weak small fishes.
6. Meanwhile you have the white background which is a little reminding a natural rocky surface. Double-check that preparation by the size fits into an installation site.
7. Now it is possible to ground a front surface of a background the cement divorced with water. Put the first layer with a brush and leave for drying. Before putting the second layer, moisten a surface, it will help to prevent emergence of cracks in material.
8. Now non-toxic paints of three flowers – black, brown and green will be necessary for you. Apply paints consistently on the decor elements which are cut out in expanded polystyrene, trying to achieve a harmonious combination of the chosen flowers. Before drawing the next paint layer let's the previous layer dry completely.
9. Fastening of the background made by you can be carried out by means of sealant or weighting in the form of stones which will not allow it to emerge. Add in the foreground several real stones for giving to an aquarium of more natural look. Over time on a surface of a background there will be a small outgrowth of greens that will give it absolutely natural look.