How to protect itself from attack of dogs

How to protect itself from attack of dogs

Not only the furious dog of fighting breed can be dangerous. Pack of stray dogs in the city, the ill-bred favourite of neighbors, - in any case, even your own canine friend, having been frightened of something or having strongly become angry, can suddenly become a source of the increased danger. It is not necessary to be afraid of all dogs in a row, but in case of attack it is necessary to be to it ready.


1. The first rule – do not provoke a dog. It is not necessary to shout and swing hands, to try to drive away her a bag, do not do sharp movements at all. You do not look it in the face – she can apprehend it as a signal to attack. If the dog just began a bark on you, most likely, she does not attack yet - only frightens. Allow it to sniff at yourself, at least from small distance. Be quietly developed and leave, without losing sight of it. You can try loudly and tell firmly: "Faugh", "Went". Stray dogs are well affected by the following: bend and pretend that you select a stick or a stone from the earth. One it can damp its ardor.

2. If the dog attacks silently, it is already dangerous. Look round - whether there is nearby no place where you could hide quickly. The closest door of shop or an entrance, any eminence (at least a slide), even a small reservoir can help you. If there is no opportunity to hide, throw to a dog into eyes a sand handful, it for several seconds will blind her, and you will be able to call to the aid or to arm with something. To run away from a dog it is useless – any dog runs quicker than the average person, and the running object perceives as production.

3. If the animal after all attacked, be ready to fight back. Her Beit on a nose, the good effect can give blow under edges and on the head. Unfortunately, with dogs of fighting breeds it seldom works – they are extremely insensitive to pain. If has the heart, seize a dog with hands by jaws and pull them in different directions. Use for protection any improvised subject – stones, sticks. If you do not feel in yourself sufficient force actively to be protected, raise hands to cover the face and a throat and loudly call to the aid. Expose any available subject forward – a bag, a package, an umbrella, let the animal will be distracted by it. Pull down from yourself outerwear and throw it over the hand exposed forward – better if the dog seizes teeth fabric.

4. The most dangerous – attack of pack of dogs. If they coveted a package of products at you in hands (it often happens in the winter in the cities, vagrant dogs for hunger attack passersby), throw them food – your health more expensive.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
