Caustic soda (sodium hydroxide) is known to chemists as NaOH. Annually in the world over 57 million tons of a caustic natr are consumed. Modern life, technologies and production without it cannot simply be presented.
Caustic soda
This substance of snow-white color which can have the form of scales, granules or the alloyed weight. It is very hygroscopic, it is perfectly dissolved in water, marking out at the same time a significant amount of energy and heat. In the liquid state caustic soda has no color or is slightly painted in crimson color.
Production and use of caustic soda
It is made by an electrochemical method, way of electrolysis of solutions of table salt. It is made as in firm, and in the liquid state. It is applied in the following industrial and household industries:
- in pulp-and-paper production (production of cardboard, paper, plates from wood fibers); - biofuel production (serves as a substitute of usual diesel fuel); - clearing of pipes and sewerage; - production washing and cleaners; - light industry (bleaching of fabrics and production of silk); - autoproduction (production of alkaline accumulators); - pharmaceutical industry; - the food industry (washing and cleaning of the equipment, caustic soda is registered as E524 nutritional supplement). Also caustic rubbed it is applied in chemical industry as the catalyst of reactions, to titration, neutralization of acids, oil processing and production of metals.
Transportation and storage
Caustic soda can be transported by means of the road, railway and water transport. The liquid caustic soda is transported in special tanks. Solid soda is packed into plastic bags and transported, avoiding moisture hit, far from heat sources. Soda from the date of production is stored exactly one year. Further it is capable to absorb in itself a number of collateral impurity. The caustic soda is caustic and korrozionnoaktivny substance. The second raised hazard class is appropriated to it. Working with caustic soda, it is necessary to observe all precautionary measures. It is necessary to use the chemical points for protection of eyes and also rubberized by gloves and a suit.
Danger to the person
Having got on human skin, causes chemical burns, at long influence causes eczemas and ulcers. Has strong effect on mucous membranes, caustic is especially dangerous rubbed at hit in eyes, at inhalation or ingestion. Causes cough, cold, constraint in a breast, dacryagogue, burns of a gullet and stomach, the heaviest burns of eyes before loss of sight. At hit on skin the affected area needs to be washed out a water jet and to process weak solution of vinegar.