As a rule, a decorative rabbit - rather clean creation. Regular bathing is not required to it as well as to a cat. But if the rabbit was strongly soiled, it should be washed up. At the same time, as these small animals easily catch a cold, it is necessary to observe some precautions.
It is required to you
- - small basin with warm water
- - special rabbits shampoo
- - several towels
1. In case of small pollution will be to wipe the soiled place a wet towel wipes or the towel moistened with warm water enough.
2. If it is not enough, gather in a basin of a little warm water, put a rabbit there, and wash the soiled places. Be ready that the rabbit will resist, you hold him strong, but it is careful. Try not to wet a small animal entirely, at all not to his oknunayta in water with the head. Do not use souls: noise of water can irritate your pet even more. Besides, the water which got into ears can become the cause of otitis.
3. The washing means to use it is undesirable, and in case of strong pollution - buy special rabbits shampoo. It is better to dissolve shampoo in water before applying on a hair of a small animal.
4. Carefully dry a rabbit by means of several towels and transfer him to the warm place. Do not allow its overcooling at all - it can lead to a disease. Close all windows that there were no drafts.
5. In attempt to dry a small animal the hair dryer there is a risk that he will be frightened even stronger - process of bathing for it already a stress. Besides rabbits do not love loud unexpected sounds. If nevertheless decide to use the hair dryer, you hold it from a small animal at a great distance not to burn his gentle skin.
6. You watch a small animal, wipe his hair with dry towels until he dries completely.