Gadgets – the small small animal living in desert regions of Arabian Peninsula and North Africa. It is considered a national animal of Algeria. The state even releases coins with its image. The name came from Arab "fanak" - a fox what, however, some scientists do not agree in a root with.
Gadgets – small desert chanterelle. Length of her body of 30-40 cm – is less, than at a domestic cat. Length of a tail is up to 30 cm. Some scientists allocate this animal in a separate look - "Fennekus". The distinction of the internal structure of ordinary foxes and desert small animals became the reason. The main difference - gadgets has 32 chromosomal couples against 35-39 at other representatives of a sort. Besides, the inhabitant of deserts has no musky glands characteristic of other foxes. There are also differences in the external building, in social behavior of animals.
Distinctive feature of appearance of an animal are its big - concerning the body sizes – the ears reaching in length of 15 cm. The small animal has excellent hearing, and big auricles to it very much promote. Besides, ears of an animal represent body of thermal control that is extremely important in hot climate of deserts.
One more feature of a small animal – the feet covered with fur allowing it easily and silently to move on the heated sands. Wool on a back of a fenek reddish or pale-yellow, on a stomach – white. It does it hardly noticeable on a sandy background of the desert. However, young small animals almost completely white, they gain characteristic reddish color with age.
Fenek prefer to lodge in rather thin thickets of desert vegetation which are available here and there. They are excellent navvies, dig holes with a large number of the masking tunnels, branches and emergency exits. Are capable to dig about 6 m of soil in a night. Unlike other foxes, live groups up to 10 individuals. Hunt alone. Feneki are omnivorous, eat a locust, small rodents, lizards, arthropods, bird's eggs. The small animal digs out a considerable part of the diet of the earth – roots and tubers of plants. Gadgets it is capable to do without water long. He receives necessary amount of moisture from food. Interesting fact: gadgets – the small animal small, force not differing and having weak maxillary muscles, is capable "to have a snack" nevertheless as required on egg of an ostrich which contents are hidden under a strong shell. The animal at first drives egg close to a stone, and then a push of paws forces it to face a stone. Egg breaks, the meal is provided to a fenek. Feneki also territorialna are monogamous. Each couple has the fodder site. Once a year the female gives birth to 2-6 cubs. The father protects the site and brings production to a hole. However the samochka to it does not allow to contact to posterity until puppies do not reach age of 5-6 weeks. Independent kids become at the age of 3 months. In the wild nature of a feneka live up to 12 years, in bondage up to 15. Gadgets – the only small animal from a genus of foxes, capable to live near the person in house conditions. And the last: the most known gadgets in the world is foxes who was tamed by the hero of the philosophical fairy tale – the parable "Little Prince" by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.