desire of many women at any age to look perfectly quite clear. And it is quite real and feasible. Implementing simple recommendations, it is possible to look younger than the biological age.
- It is possible to look more young than the age, consuming products with the high content of protein. Protein is responsible for restoration and renewal of cells of skin and is fine construction material of all organism. Distinctive feature of protein – stimulation of production of collagen. Daily in diet there have to be following products containing low-fat albumens: beef, fish, low-fat part of pork, chicken breast (without skin), dairy products with the low content of fat, egg, nuts.
- Inclusion in oil diet will also help to look younger than the age. Oil needs to be included plant origin, vitamin-rich groups A and E. The dishes dressed not with mayonnaise, and oil, much more tasty and more usefully. The variety of oil on shelves will allow to choose for every taste this product. Oil contains the acids capable to restore skin cells and to support optimum balance of useful substances. Among other things, replacement of mayonnaise with oil considerably will reduce dish caloric content.
- The best way to look much younger is to use the products containing vitamin C daily. All this citrus (lemons, oranges, grapefruits), kiwi, strawberry, tomatoes. After 35 flyings there is active destruction of collagen therefore skin begins to droop and grow dull. Vitamin will help with production of collagen, and skin will be long time young and shining. The use of vitamin C will help with fight against inflammations. This vitamin also contains in the looking after and nutritious skin creams.
- Listing ways to look younger than the age, it is necessary to tell about care for skin of face and hands. Face skin care has to be daily and correct. Means for leaving and maintenance of youth of skin have to be picked up according to type of skin and age. Before exit from the house it is necessary to apply cream with protection against ultraviolet rays. Sunshine have negative impact on skin. Hands have to be always well-groomed. It is not obligatory to visit expensive salon, manicure can be made houses by own efforts. Cream needs to be applied on hands both in the afternoon, and in the evening. If during the day hands are affected by water or dry, then you should not neglect putting cream and in the afternoon. Special attention should be paid to daily drawing make-up. Bright popugayny colors will only emphasize, and most likely will even add age. Sometimes color of lipstick or tone of eye shadow can not only emphasize, but also allocate small wrinkle. Using style of naturalness, it is possible to smooth the age a little. The experiment at the choice of identity can be received on master classes which free of charge suit many salons for customer acquisition.
- Everything, wishing to look younger than the age, it is possible to recommend use of bronzer and refusal of powder. Powder is capable to remove greasy luster on skin and to give it dullness and velvet. But, applying it to skin, the woman also does not suspect what a disservice she does herself. Powdery dust hammers time and wrinkles, allocating that them and emphasizing. Use of powder of light texture is possible, but without excessive enthusiasm. For concealment of shortcomings of skin and pigmental spots it is recommended to use bronzer, cosmetic in the form of cream or powder. Having seized technology of drawing, it is possible to change visually face form, to get rid of the second chin. You should not forget about face packs, physical activities and balanced diet.