Eels appear on nose, forehead and chin and look unattractively, creating on face mosaic from black dots. This trouble concerns not only people with pimples. The hammered time is mass problem therefore it is important to purify skin carefully.
Eels appear when sebaceous glands produce a lot of fat, and epidermis does not peel off properly. Grease allocations and keratosic cages block mouths of hair follicles that brings to eels who look as black dots on skin (open eels) or white porridge (the closed eels).
There are many different ways of fight against them. It is possible to address the cosmetologist, for holding procedure of deep cleansing of skin in beauty shop, or to buy ready-made product in drugstore. One of the simplest and cheap decisions — to prepare houses face pack.
Mix two tablespoons of milk and two tablespoons of edible gelatin, heating them in pan to formation of homogeneous mass. As soon as the mask cools down, put it on face. The mask hardens on face approximately in 30 minutes. Then quickly take off it from face. Black-headed eels will stick to the stiffened gelatin, and leather will be ideally purified.
Baking soda has antibacterial properties, cleans the clogged-up pores and deletes dead skin cells. Procedure: Mix two tablespoons of baking soda with two tablespoons of warm water. Apply paste to face skin in places with eels and wait about 10 minutes until the mask hardens. Then wash away it warm water with circular motions. This mask from eels has effect of peeling. Perfectly cleans the clogged-up pores, deletes surplus of skin fat and levels tone of skin, eliminating change of color.
The protein mask not only purifies skin, but also has effect against wrinkles and narrows enlarged pores. Way of realization: To beat egg white in rigid foam (by means of the mixer or special nimbus). Apply on places where eels have appeared. Then put napkin on the person and remove it when egg dries.
Activated carbon has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties therefore it very well works for the skin affected with pimples. With activated carbon and gelatin or coal and yogurt you can create black mask for clarification of the person which also has detoksikatsionny effect.
Mix the activated carbon crushed in powder with gelatin or yogurt and put on face. In fifteen minutes (to half an hour) wash away (the black gelatinous mask is removed after hardening), just as the gelatinous and milk mask — it has effect of peeling.
Problems with skin often are manifestation of other undesirable processes happening in organism such as stress or disorders of digestion, and, removing this cause, we also improve condition of complexion.