How to choose perfume for women

How to choose perfume for women

Aromas are capable to work wonders. If the person exhales pleasant smell, in the opinion of people around he becomes more attractive that is especially important for the woman. It is necessary to choose suitable perfume only competently.

  1. First of all understand for yourself the most important and main property of any aroma: smell as well as music, has the lower, average and upper notes. One bottle with spirits includes each of them. You feel upper notes directly after putting perfume on body, after them average notes reveal. And here the lower notes are the most resistant, they also accompany the person during the day. They have no pungent smell, are a little notable to the people surrounding you. Therefore at choice of perfume never you hurry, wait and let's aroma prove from all directions.
  2. Besides, consider that the smell on each woman can reveal differently. At first sight, it is remarkable. On you perfume can prove in the most unique way, thanks to your individual level ph. However on the other hand, this fact forces to belong to so important purchase even more accurately. Even do not read responses girls at forums, do not listen to councils of girlfriends - you remember that at you on skin the aroma can reveal from absolutely unexpected side.
  3. Besides, do not buy perfume only because they are considered as the most fashionable in this season. You have to choose aroma for yourself, first of all it has to be pleasant to you, and only then to people around. Also do not buy perfume in shops in which it is exposed on direct light, in close proximity to heat sources. In such conditions the spirits quickly lose the aromatic properties and become not palatable.
  4. Do not buy perfume being guided only by the high price. Happens and so that not really expensive aromas are much more pleasant and resistant, than perfume of expensive brands.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
