How to do hair on hair of average length

How to do hair on hair of average length

Hair of average length are that universal option which suits all. On such hair the easiest to give vent to imagination and at the same time to look magnificent! They I can emphasize individual traits of your person, correct form, the main thing is to pick up suitable laying. Incredibly natural and suitable practically everything the following hairstyle which it is possible to make quickly and easily on hair of average length is universal.

It is required to you

  • The hair dryer, round hairbrush fixing means for laying (mousse, light gel)


  1. Apply on the hair which are slightly dried by towel it is a little mousse or gel. Dehumidification of hair is not meant as grinding by their towel! Just blot excess moisture and let's them dry up independently.
  2. Arm with the hair dryer and round brush, and begin to dry hair from quite long distance, raising them in roots and creating thereby necessary volume. Cunning for lazy and appreciating still big naturalness: it is possible just to incline the head down and to dry hair at roots.
  3. Divide hair into locks and lay the ends in different directions.
  4. Allocate separate curls by means of gel, emphasize the ends - your air hairstyle is ready!

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
