One of the most delicate procedures the epilation in bikini zone is considered. For removal of undesirable hair in house conditions such habitual means as cold wax, epilator, tweezers are used. However they yield only temporary result, and only saloon procedures forever are capable to save from hair: electro- or photoepilation, laser epilation.
1. At electroepilation undesirable hairs are removed by means of electric impulse. The master enters special thin needle into hair sack and starts up the weak category of electricity which kills hair follicle. After this procedure on the surface of skin small crusts which completely begin to live within 1-2 weeks are formed. Lack of this method is his morbidity. If you are especially sensitive to pain, then it is better to carry out electroepilation under local anesthesia. Also after the procedure there can be complications in the form of mikroozheg, hypostases, skin pigmentation. However this method is the most effective in fight against excess vegetation.
2. Also forever it is possible to get rid of hair in bikini zone by means of photoepilation. This method is based on removal of hair under simultaneous influence of light and heat. However for a long time to forget about undesirable hair, it is necessary to pass not less than ten sessions of photoepilation. The interval between procedures has to be rather big – from two to three months. It is possible to refer his morbidity and emergence of reddenings on skin which, however, pass in several days to shortcomings of this method. The photoepilation is not recommended to be done to women with fair or red hair as the procedure will not yield due result. Also before visit of the cosmetologist you should not sunbathe or go to sunbed to avoid appearance of burn.
3. One more effective way of removal of hair in zone of bikini is the laser epilation. The hair follicle in this case collapses under the influence of heat, at the same time the best result is achieved at women with dark hair and light skin. After the end of procedure of laser epilation, in several days, hair will begin to drop out independently, and this process will last about two weeks. The course consists of 3-4 procedures, the interval between which makes 2-3 months. Each procedure of laser therapy lasts no more than 10 minutes, and after its termination on skin there is no unpleasant consequence left, besides, it is absolutely painless.