Healthy, shiny hairs decorate the woman. They - as if the magnet attracting delighted looks and causing sincere sympathies. Our grandmothers said: let on you there will be the most plain dress, but hair have to look on all hundred.
- That hair always looked smooth and brilliant, it is important to pay constantly to them attention, to look after, to correctly select shampoos, conditioners, to indulge them masks. Much of what is necessary for healthy and beautiful skin is also necessary also for hair. They the first signal about violations in organism: lack of food of vitamins A, E and calcium and also abuse of too spicy food and sweets. All this negatively affects their state.
- In case hair look dim and lifeless for a long time, it is necessary to see doctor. It is not without reason said that hair in joy curl, and in the mountain split. Daily troubles and stresses weaken immunity, lead to failure in work of vascular and endocrine systems. There is shortage of the hormones necessary for normal growth, narrowing of the blood vessels feeding follicles and hair bulbs.
- At emergence of problems with intestines, the organism can begin to get rid of slags, for example, through sebaceous glands. Then hair will be strongly salted and then to drop out. Therefore you monitor work of intestines, correct diet, eat the vegetables rich with cellulose - cabbage, carrots. Daily drink up to 2 liters of liquid and you spend in the movement more time.
- Avoid peresushivaniye of hair phenom, waves. Use warm, but not hot water for washing of the head, but wash away the conditioner cool. Alternate shampoos medical to nutritious which are rich with amino acids and vitamins.
- If hair have lost live gloss and became fragile, they will be helped by the masks promoting restoration. The main components of such masks are ceramides and keratins which function is in protecting the weakened bulbs at least before the following washing. It is especially useful to include natural products in composition of the moisturizing and nutritious mixes, for example, oil of wheaten sprouts, jojoba and camomile which have the smoothing properties and are useful to head skin.
- Try to use improving mask thanks to which you restore the lost keratin and you will return to hair the vital force and natural gloss: mix from tablespoon of the pounded wheat grains and 15 gr. olive or sunflower oil warm up on small fire. Accurately rub warm mask in head skin and wrap up it with terry towel. Pour the warm water which is slightly acidified by lemon juice in basin (citric acid cannot be used). Carefully wash hair with this water. Make such 10-minute procedure every week.
- At faultless hair and the mood will be good. And it is so important for the charming and self-assured woman.