How to grow long beautiful hair

How to grow long beautiful hair

Almost each woman dreams to have thick long beautiful hair. And it is clear, nothing so decorates the person as healthy and magnificent head of hear. But now more and more women complain about dim and lifeless curls. The reasons for that can be a little: beginning from improper feeding and finishing with ecology. Anyway, it is necessary to care for health of hair, even in case by nature you are allocated with magnificent hair.


  1. Reconsider the diet. It has to be full and balanced. Use more products rich with vitamin C, for example, dogrose, kiwi, citrus and others. This vitamin is responsible for hair shine. To prevent loss, put emphasis on the products rich with biotin – sea-buckthorn, milk, egg yolks and others. Also use such products as liver, mutton, walnuts, filbert and others.
  2. Get rid of dryness of hair. It is known that the lack of moisture is the reason of fragility of hair and split ends. For this purpose weekly do the masks made of grated onions and honey. Mix ingredients in proportion 4 parts of grated onions and one part of honey. Apply mask on hair, carefully rubbing in roots, after that roll up film, that is create greenhouse effect and leave for 30 minutes. After that wash away warm water.
  3. Also do masks of burdock oil. It is known that it not only feeds hair, but also prevents hair loss. The principle of drawing same, as with onions.
  4. Reconsider hair preparations which are available at you, namely chemical composition. If there silicone which is encrypted under such names as dimethiconol, cyclomethicone, dimethylpolysiloxane enters and others, safely throw out means in garbage can. Producers claim that the film which is formed at the expense of silicone prevents injuries of hair, but it interferes with hit of the nutrients necessary for hair follicle.
  5. Wash hair with egg yolk, and rinse with herbs decoction. Consider that herbs need to be selected to hair color, for example, for dark-haired people the nettle, hop cones, and here perfectly is suitable for fair-haired – camomile, acorus rhizome. Also physicians claim that it is necessary to rinse hair when they have already almost dried as wet hair absorb much less nutrients.
  6. To add gloss to hair and to prevent the section of tips use essential oils. For this purpose apply several drops of any oil on hairbrush which surely has to be wooden. After that comb hair.
  7. Try not to dry hair phenom as it causes dryness. Do not comb hair when they have not dried yet, it injures them. Avoid hit of direct sunshine on head skin. Also salt and chlorine therefore visiting the pool has negative effect on head of hear, use special hats.
  8. Do not subject hair to chemical influences. If you wish to paint hair – stop the choice on natural means, for example, on henna or basma.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
