The clean and beautifully styled hair – indispensable condition of attractive appearance of the woman. However modern living conditions and ecology promote fast pollution of hair, care for which takes away a lot of time.
- If you wash the head daily, then it is necessary to pass to more rare washing as frequent use of shampoo only accelerates process of release of skin fat gradually. At first it is necessary to be reconciled with untidy type of hair, but during this period it is possible to do the hair capable to mask this shortcoming (for example, to tie hard tail, to braid braids and cones). Gradually hair will begin to adjust to less intensive release of skin fat – it will allow to keep their clean longer time.
- Also will help to keep hair clean natural means. For example, lemon. Add its juice to water when rinsing hair. One more excellent means for reduction of intensity of release of skin fat – masks from clay. For this purpose white or green clay will approach. Dilute it with warm water (it is possible to add tea tree oil to mix) and apply on hair for half an hour. For convenient drawing mask it is better to wet hair slightly previously. Put on special hat or wind the head with film, and from above wrap up with towel. Such mask can be done every week. After washing it is useful to rinse hair broth from mix of herbs: nettle, calendula, acorus.
- Hair become oily because of constant use of devices for laying, such as hair dryer, iron, curling iron quicker. Therefore it is necessary to try to use them as seldom as possible. Try to wash the head in advance that hair managed to dry naturally. Using the iron for hair straightening or the curling iron, try not to approach roots strongly. Also, when washing the head, do not use too hot water – ideally it has to be slightly cool.
- In summertime when the sun very bright, try to carry headdress whenever possible. Try to touch also less often hair not to transfer to them dirt and fat which can be on skin of hands.
- Using styling sprays, women force themselves every time to wash the head to wash away them. Try to do laying without use of varnishes, mousses and gels.