Spangles for neyl-art are dry and as a part of nail varnish. By the size distinguish: very small (microdust), average, large and figured (in the form of hearts, asterisks and other elements). In house conditions it is possible to use any kind of spangles for creation of unusual design of manicure.
Effectively and stylish the design with dry micro spangles for nails looks. It is not difficult to execute it, but about 40 minutes on the procedure will leave. In advance prepare necessary materials and tools: - basis for manicure; - color varnish;
- protective coating; - dry micro spangles;
- fan brush for spraying of spangles (it is possible to replace with usual wide brush or orange stick).
Well opaque manicure with spangles looks. Such covering is provided with special upper means for decorative manicure which any glossy varnish does opaque.
Give nail file the form to nails if it is necessary execute not cut manicure, carefully degrease nail plates. Ant alcohol or the means removing varnish from nails as a part of which there is no acetone will be suitable for this purpose. Put basis, let's it dry completely that manicure has served longer, but has not rolled up in only a few minutes. Apply color varnish at most in two layers, carefully drying everyone. After that think over how spangles will be located. For example, manicure where the free edge in the area of smile is covered microdust stylish looks. Not less effectively the design from chaotic brilliant points on nails looks. To fix dry spangles, it is necessary to apply transparent varnish or fixer on the surface of nail, then so far it has not dried, to spray microdust. To blow off surplus. After drying of basis on which microdust keeps the manicure becomes covered by the protectant for manicure.
For fixing of spangles it is possible to use also special glue for neyl-art, but sometimes it turns yellow from time. Therefore do not recommend to combine with light varnish.
Very effectively looks and manicure where spangles have executed design only on one nail is quickly executed (usually on ring finger). To make such design, it is necessary to cover all nails, except one on each hand, with color varnish, to allow to dry. Then transparent or color varnish (in one layer) to make up the remained nail, to spray on it spangles, so far the basis has not dried. To blow off surplus, then to tap finger about the table edge. To repeat the procedure on the second hand. After drying the manicure becomes covered by the protectant for manicure or transparent varnish which too not bad sets both design, and manicure.
For such manicure it is possible to use spangles of any size, selecting color which will be combined with color varnish on other nails.
Quite often spangles carry out certain pattern on nails. In this case to apply with rather thin brush transparent varnish, and then to spray on this place shine, having removed surplus dry-brush when the pattern dries. Figured spangles of the big size (similar to flat rhinestones, for example) fasten most often on glue for neyl-art as the high durability of design is so provided. Glue is applied on nails with the small volume that it did not spread on the surface of varnish.
If houses are opportunity to cover ready manicure with gel, then it is better to use it. So manicure will serve up to three weeks without prejudice to its appearance.
Any protectant for manicure is put only when the design and all main varnish coats are carefully dried. Otherwise manicure will just be smeared, will quickly be chopped off.