How to pick up hair color to brown eyes

How to pick up hair color to brown eyes

Since the birth of people receives the correct combination of color of eyes, skin, hair. The nature allocates it with individual appearance. However people are suited so that they constantly want to change and fashion trends demand the same. The most popular procedure for change of appearance is coloring of hair. But here it is important not to go too far because incorrectly picked up shade can make you less attractive and add couple of excess years.

  • - hair stylist;
  • - hair-dye;
  • - tonic.
  1. Consult to the hair stylist. If you want to look very effectively, then here not to do without its help. The professional look he will estimate your external data and will pick up the color which is the most suitable for you. What will add to you additional charm, identity and expressiveness. To owners of brown eyes very much there is highlighting which without expert not to make (long and difficult procedure). The clarified locks recoloured in caramel or honey color will beautifully look on black kareglazka.
  2. If all of you have decided to change the hair color independently, then be guided by the standard rules. Owners of brown eyes suit warm colors. Shades chestnut, golden, honey, brown concern them.
  3. Look narrowly at shade of your brown eyes. If they brown or sandy, then you suit brondirovaniye - combination of natural dark and light tones. Only remember that this procedure demands careful hair care. Owners of light-brown eyes will suit caramel, golden, amber and reddish colors.
  4. When coloring consider also shade of your skin. If you the owner of brown eyes and dark skin, then suit you all shades dark chocolate, chocolate or dark-chestnut. Such color will visually increase the volume of your hair and will emphasize your eyes. If you have light skin, then it is better to paint hair in light brown, caramel, light chocolate and red colors.
  5. Before coloring carry out test. For this purpose buy the tinting means which will not change cardinally color of your hair, but will allow to estimate as far as you suit this shade. For the same purpose it is possible to try to try on wig and to draw the corresponding conclusions.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
