What does each woman dream of, doing laying since morning? Of course, about that perfect condition of hair has remained till the evening. But alas, the increased humidity of air leads to the fact that kind of we tried, after a while our hair napityvatsya by moisture from air and again are fluffy in different directions.
At first let's understand that we do not so, aiming at beauty. Having washed up the head since morning, we, hurrying for work, quickly we dry hair phenom. At the same time the majority uses drying by hot air, so quicker! (And still so much travmatichny for hair — they are overdried).
Further usually there is laying on nippers, straightening by the iron or, as a last resort, hair curlers. Mistakes at this stage two: or we choose too high temperature for laying, burning through hair, or too long we hold lock between plates / wound on the curling iron (the same result — hair are injured). Later on at last laid (and very strongly overdried!!!) hair the fixing means is put.
The more often we repeat this incorrect algorithm of laying, the stronger we injure hair. The hair are more injured, the on them laying keeps worse … The worse laying keeps, the more persistently we try to lay after all disobedient bast on the head in though some similarity of hairstyle … Exit from vicious circle arises by itself — it is necessary to recover hair health and to cease to overdry them. First, hair dryer. If you dry hair daily, include the mode of cold blowing more often, but leave high speed. Thus, the speed of drying of hair will not strongly increase, and here it will be already more difficult to overdry hair. Secondly, nippers curling irons and rectifier iron. You watch temperature — modern curling irons and irons allow to expose the necessary temperature and to support its all the time of operation of the device. The principle one — the more thinly hair are also stronger injured, the temperature is lower! Remember that dyed hair is equated to damaged even if you made up them in salon and the sparing paint. Thirdly, laying means. They cannot be applied on hair before straightening with the iron or uses of the curling iron too. They, unfortunately, burn even on the best plates, injuring hair. Therefore leave "heavy artillery" on the end.