How to strengthen hair from loss

How to strengthen hair from loss

Treatment of hair for loss is very difficult process. First of all, it is necessary to remove the cause of hair loss further not to face such problem. It is possible to strengthen hair, having used medications, various masks, infusions, ointments, broths for hair, massage of the head and also healthy nutrition.

It is required to you

  • Burdock roots, castor oil, towel, ointment from burdock root, onions juice, yolk, cellophane package,


  1. Masks for strengthening of hair. To strengthen hair, it is necessary once a week, for half an hour before washing, to rub in roots of hair mix from alcohol, castor and burdock oil in equal proportions. Then, it is necessary to wash out hair well. Such procedure lasts for two months. Very well strengthens roots of hair – mask from yolk, oil and onions juice. It is necessary to add one yolk and several drops of castor oil to juice of one bulb. In 40 minutes prior to washing of the head, it is necessary to put this mask, to wrap the head cellophane package and towel. Approximately in 45 minutes it is possible to wash out hair. Then, hair accurately comb hair.
  2. The tinctures and broths helping at hair loss. Well helps to strengthen roots of hair and to prevent their loss nettle. It is necessary to rinse with decoction from this grass hair after each washing of the head. Also well will help to strengthen hair - broth from burdock root (20 g) and calendula flowers (20 g). It is possible to strengthen roots of hair, having used tincture from onions juice. For its preparation it is necessary to mix one spoon of onions juice with two tablespoons of vodka. It is necessary to apply before washing of the head within three months.
  3. Oils for strengthening of hair. The finest means for strengthening of hair castor oil is considered. It very well affects structure of hair and strengthens them. For its application, it is necessary to warm up small amount of oil on water bath and to grease head skin. Then, it is necessary to shroud the head in terry towel and to wait several hours. After that hair need to be washed out well by means of shampoo.
  4. Ointments against hair loss. Quite effective remedy for strengthening of hair is – ointment from burdock root. For preparation of such ointment, it is necessary to boil burdock root (20 g of root on glass of boiled water) and it is good to draw it. After ointment is ready, it needs to be applied to head skin and, having waited for 30 minutes, to wash away it.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
