Beautiful long brilliant nails long since were considered as indicator of health and wellbeing. And how to achieve good condition of nails in house conditions?
For this purpose very few efforts are required. It is only enough to use regularly necessary complex of vitamins and to carry out manicure of times a week, at the same time doing special baths with the means feeding nails.
Let's begin with very important for healthy and fortresses of nails of vitamins. Vitamins A are the most significant and E. Komplex of these substances it is possible to buy in any drugstore, they are inexpensive and very effective. Such vitamins are on sale in capsules. However they are required to be accepted not inside. Every evening it is necessary to puncture the capsule, rubbing the substance which is in it in skin around nail. Several weeks later after initiation of treatment the result will not force itself to expect: nails will gain gloss and will cease to exfoliate and break off. Treatment can be continued up to three months.
From baths oil are considered as the most effective. For example, olive oil of the first extraction needs to be warmed up up to the temperature slightly over the body temperature and to add the wrung-out juice of the whole lemon. Try to stay with the hands lowered in bath about 20-30 minutes. In addition it is possible to use bath with almond oil and also mix of soy and bergamot oils. Before procedures it is necessary to remove from nails varnish for achievement of the best effect of improvement of nail plate.
During cleaning always try to put on rubber gloves because the contact with water and various detergents very harmful affects health of your nails.
Every evening you apply thick layer of the moisturizing cream on hands and put on special paper gloves to saturate skin of hands and nails.
And in general, the condition of nails always reflects condition of our health. And first of all it is necessary to begin to watch the food and behavior of organism. In order that nails were beautiful, can be necessary to go on the diet consisting of products which contain the minerals necessary for your organism. Calcium, iron, protein, magnesium and others can serve as examples of those. Strangely enough, the nervous shock can also become the reason of fragility of nails.
As you can see, with questions of your health and appearance yourself can be helped only by you. So eat properly, protect nerves and be hostess of beautiful, healthy and long nails!