Useful properties of toothpaste without fluorine

Useful properties of toothpaste without fluorine

Toothpastes without fluorine become more and more populyary in recent years. But here on whether really they it is more useful usual, many argue. Fluorine – not the only thing substance, harmful to organism, in toothpaste. And the range of pastes without fluorine today rather big.

Toothpaste without fluorine has to have all qualities of ideal means for toothbrushing and gums: to delete all types of raid, to interfere with increase of stone, to purify enamel, to heal gum. Universal remedy cannot be here. Each paste is responsible for something special. There are grassy – calming gum, is simply bleaching, saving from nicotinic raid or coffee, healing. The choice of paste of a certain type will depend only on requirements.

Toothpastes most often contain fluorine. It is rather harmful element which does harm to all organism. Fluorides (compounds of fluorine in paste with other elements) can even cause changes of structure of brain fabric.

How did fight against raid on teeth before emergence of toothpastes? Earlier our ancestors, without using toothpastes and furthermore such connections as fluorides, tried to obtain whiteness of teeth make-shifts. For this purpose used the infusions of herbs and pastes consisting only of the processed herbs and koreniye, less often for toothbrushing colored chalk was used. Still in quality pastes without fluorine if to study structure, it is possible to meet such components as oak bark, ginger extract, garden peppermint. And there is no wonder, thanks to application of these plants it is possible to achieve bleaching of teeth, pleasant smell and without compounds of fluorine. If you mix above-mentioned ingredients in the correct proportion, then receive the most real, natural tooth-powder without fluorine. These means are on sale in drugstore and stand so democratically that you will be really struck.

How to make choice of the correct paste without fluorine? It is the best of all to choose such paste in drugstore or to consult with the stomatologist. This expert will help you to pick up paste ideally for your teeth. Most often such toothpastes refer to category dietary supplements, and there is no wonder, such means, first of all - medical and preventive, but not just cosmetic. Toothpaste without fluorine has to contain other active agents as which the most various herbs, plants and extracts from them act.

That paste without fluorine has brought the expected benefit, it needs to be used correctly. At first apply it on teeth and gums and wait minute. And only after minute begin usual cleaning.

Without fluorine have begun to include in composition of some pastes also various products of beekeeping recently. It can be both propolis, and pollen, and uterine milk. In this case everything depends only on indications to application. There are also more exotic elements: placenta, dioxide of silicon, calcium carbonate and so forth. You should not choose the pastes which are too oversaturated by components. Even on the basis of one active element paste without fluorine will not be worse at all, than more expensive, with additives unknown to you. And to the correct paste it is worth picking up also qualitative brush for cleaning. The efficiency of paste in many respects depends on correctness and duration of cleaning.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
