Unfortunately, in certain cases hair around nipples can appear also at women. This phenomenon is capable to upset very much, hairs on female breast look not too esthetically. In what way to liquidate them? Before answering this question, it is necessary to understand for what reason there can be such problem.
The reasons of emergence of hair about nipples at women
There are 2 basic reasons of such phenomenon as hairs about nipples at women:
Increase in amount of men's hormones in organism. The similar phenomenon can be observed in case of pregnancy, diseases of endocrine system and also as a result of intake of some hormonal medicines.
The predisposition to emergence of hair around nipples can be descended. In other words, the woman can genetically inherit sensitivity of androgenic receptors.
What to do if hair around nipples have begun to grow
If hairs about nipples have appeared suddenly, during short period of time, or before them there were several pieces, and now suddenly there was more – surely visit the doctor-endocrinologist. And try to make it in the nearest future. It is possible that you have problems with your hormonal background. In case the doctor has not found any deviations in structure of your hormonal background, it is possible to calm down a little: for your health the hair around nipples do not constitute danger. Nevertheless, women all the same often remain are dissatisfied and wish to exhaust excess vegetation. Because of this unpleasant feature the decrease in self-assessment is possible. However it is possible to find solution - to remove hairs which grow around nipples.
How to fight against hair around nipples
So, here several possible ways of elimination of hair around nipples. The most widespread them them – to arm with usual tweezers. Having taken hair, the sharp movement pull out it in the direction of growth. After elimination of all excess hairs wipe the gentle site of skin about nipples with lotion. Certainly, the received result will not become long-term. Approximately in 10 days the vegetation will appear again.
It is not recommended to resort to vegetation sbrivaniye about nipples. You only for very short time eliminate external part of hair (it will become noticeable already next day). And, above all, after that hair will be much more rigid.
Elimination of filaments by means of means for epilation. Use of the last is rather effective – under their influence of hair and to some extent its hypodermic part can be dissolved then the area about nipples cannot be washed away sponge. However you should not abuse such creams. Avoid hit of these funds for nipples, wash away them in time and in everything follow the instruction. You should repeat such procedure approximately time in 10 days. Sostriganiye of excess hairs cuticle scissors – quite safe way. After it the irritation, as after drawing means for epilation, however effect rather short-term will not appear. Elimination of hairs at the help of wax and electric epilation can be a little painful. But the result can quite remain up to 5 weeks. There is also radical way which will help to get rid forever of hairs about nipples, - electrolysis. Its essence consists in elimination of rostkovy cages in hair follicle. It becomes by introduction to hair bulb of thin needle through which the current moves. Though the integument at the same time is not damaged, on it during some time there can be small bruises or hems.
Before going to cosmetology salon for removal of undesirable hair by photoepilation method, consult the mammologist.
The method of laser epilation is rather effective if only hairs do not grow because of any violations of hormonal background. Essential advantages of this way are that it is safe and painless. To get rid of excess hair forever, it is necessary to repeat the procedure of laser epilation several times. Photoepilation – one more painless way which is characterized by quite long effect. However it will not be possible to be limited to only one session. Now you know what to do if hair around nipples grow.