When the child begins to move actively, parents are come to the rescue by a wonderful invention – an arena. He is called to protect the child from various dangers, and to give to mom the chance without fears to do household chores.
In seventy years from the date of an invention this piece of furniture underwent changes not only external, but also functional. In it it is possible to play, sleep... yes you never know in what to be engaged? To choose a suitable arena quite not an easy problem as shops offer a huge variety of these products. Knowledge of necessary characteristics and types of this children's accessory will help to pick up the most optimal variant.
Simple arenas
The simplest and inexpensive the arena grid is considered. It is called so because walls of an arena are made of a translucent grid. A bottom usually in such arenas oil-cloth with a soft layer which fits the firm basis. The main plus of an arena grid is that thanks to its easy design, it without problems can be transferred from place to place and if need for it suddenly disappeared, without effort to curtail and remove under a bed or to the storeroom. For the small room the producers offer angular arenas. They remarkably save space.
There are arenas which are made of a tree. Instead of a grid there is a wooden lattice here, is similar to that that costs on cribs. The bottom in such arenas is regulated on height. Such function is very useful. If the child, for example, grew up and can independently get out of "lodge", then the bottom can be lowered below to avoid "escape". Whereas mesh arenas have the form of a square or a circle more often, wooden prototypes may contain up to eight corners. There are even such arenas which are easily transformed to a certain small fence, understand on section. Their design allows to increase or reduce game space.
Multipurpose arenas
The arena bed belongs to multipurpose types. The child in such arena can not only play, but also sleep. The berth is usually fixed on the top tier which if desired easily is removed. The lower level represents an arena. Such universal arena saves not only the place in the apartment (one subject performs functions of an arena and bed), but also family money. Universal arenas can be completed with various objects helping the child with his development. Various toys, suckers and strings are called in order that the child did not miss. For the help to mom in some offered models linen boxes, the removable pelenator, regiments for things protecting from the sun a peak, a mosquito grid are provided. Such original protective children's furniture which reminds a game lodge or a tent belongs to multipurpose arenas. In similar game zones there can be several kids at once. There are ""multiroom"" lodges, with windows, doors and even a roof. To play in such place for children it is represented very fascinating occupation. For the dacha or the street inflatable designs and also section fencings which can be packed differently are widespread. Such arenas designers perfectly are suitable for the big room. The model of an arena can be any. The main thing that the child liked to be in it.