People, to encourage itself after a dream, have fragrant coffee in the mornings. Some claim that even the smell of this drink is capable "to wake" a sleepy brain. To some extent it is the truth. It is proved that coffee makes the toning impact on a brain and an organism in general. And whether it is good for pregnant women? Everything that they use, is reflected in a fruit. And in the organism of the woman there are some changes necessary for incubation of the child.
1. The cheerfulness caused by coffee excites nervous system of the person. In reasonable doses it is good, but for ordinary people. The strong toning and defiant nervous shocks of substance are contraindicated to pregnant women. Coffee can result in excessive excitability, interrupt a sleep, cause fast change of mood.
2. If to drink it it is too frequent, then it promotes increase in a tone of a uterus that is fraught with an abortion. Besides consumption of drink leads to increase in arterial blood pressure. As during pregnancy it already high, this ability of coffee can do much harm to an organism. The same can be told also about ability of drink to speed up heartbeat. Violation of a rhythm of heart affects both a condition of the most pregnant, and an embryo.
3. Among negative impact of coffee It should be noted its ability to bring calcium out of an organism. This microcell is very necessary for pregnant women for formation of bone structure, teeth and nails of the baby. Therefore even if you decide once to drink coffee, add to it some milk. Diuretic properties of drink promote increase in load of kidneys. It for pregnant women is undesirable too. Already strengthened urination can lead to violation of water-salt balance and dehydration.
4. As everything that is used by mom, influences future child, and consumption of coffee affects an embryo. Narrowing of vessels of a uterus of the woman after intake of drink limits intake of oxygen to a fruit. It leads to a hypoxia and underdevelopment of a brain. Sometimes the lack of oxygen leads to dying down of a fruit. The shortage of the calcium which is washed away from the woman's organism because of consumption of coffee breaks formation of bones, teeth and nails of the kid. The fruit is exposed to excitability after the use by mom of the invigorating drink. It is also noticed that at the pregnant women abusing coffee, newborns have insufficient weight.
5. If absolutely unbearable, you can indulge occasionally yourself with rather weak coffee with milk, but is not more often than once a week. If after that you feel unwell or other negative feelings, do not risk better and absolutely exclude coffee from the menu. It is possible to try to replace it with a chicory root. This product both on a smell, and to taste is similar to coffee, but has no such expressed exciting effect.