It would seem, than the huge rubber ball can attract the child? Noticed that a fitball for the kid - very remarkable subject. First, with its help the mothers develop the kids physically. Secondly, classes on a ball bring to children extraordinary joy.
It was considered to be earlier that the fitball is created only for adults. Thanks to gymnastic classes on a fitball it is possible to tighten quickly a body, to correct forms. Later experts saw advantage of a big inflatable ball and for babies. Today the whole systems of exercises for babies contributing to their physical development are developed.
Classes on a ball are more useful, than on a plain surface. During gymnastics, twice more muscles work for the child.
It is possible to practise with the baby on a fitball already from two-week age that is when the navel completely heals and will not prevent the baby "to train".
At correctly given classes the child gets stronger and suffers gripes less. The fascinating gymnastics allows the kid to strengthen a backbone, muscles, a skeleton. Smooth rockings and turns will help the kid to develop a vestibular mechanism. The exercises which are carried out on a tummy take off unpleasant effects in a stomach and lower risk of developing of gripes. At the soft and unostentatious massage which is carried out on a ball, intestines begin to function correctly. Thanks to it the chair is normalized. Often at babies the hyper tone is observed, that is muscles are strained, and it brings discomfort. Constant trainings will allow to exclude such problem. Exercises will remove stress and will relax the kid.
The main thing - the correct approach
With the baby on a fitball it is necessary to treat classes seriously. Movements of mom have to be slow and consecutive. It is impossible to begin gymnastics at all with the child who just ate. It can provoke vomiting. First trainings have to be short - lasting no more than five minutes. Then it is necessary to give the chance to have a rest to the kid. Being engaged with the kid, it is necessary to watch his reaction, mood constantly. For the first time the kid can be frightened and begin to cry, but gradually he will understand that it is very interesting and amusing to jump and be rolled on such exercise machine.
The main exercises on a ball
"Rocking". Rocking is considered one of the most effective exercises. The child it is necessary to put on a ball a stomach down, holding the baby for a back. Further it is necessary to make movements "back and forth". If the kid is too small, then amplitude of rocking has to be small. The grown-up child can allow to try to get handles and legs of a floor. That is rocking has to be much stronger. On a floor it is possible to put a favourite toy to give to the kid an incentive to reach it. It is necessary to shake not only forward and back, but also in the parties, making circular motions. The same rotations can be done also in situation on a back. It will allow to improve flexibility and to strengthen bones of the baby. "Bouncing". The child lies in the same pose, as in the previous element of occupation. Only the principle of the exercise changes a little. Instead of rocking "back and forth", mom presses a trunk of the kid to a ball and immediately releases. There is something like a spring "up-down". "Pushing away". The gymnastic ball is well applicable in strengthening of legs, prevention of development of flat-footedness and other troubles with feet. The child is put on a back on a floor and drive a fitball to legs. The kid has to push away legs a ball. The stronger pushes away, the muscles of legs work more. The correct provision of foot is formed. For legs the exercise "poprygayka" will be useful. The ball is fixed between a wall and other firm subject. Holding the child by hands, give him the chance to jump much on an elastic surface. You can think out exercises, experiment and derive sheer pleasure from cheerful and useful ball game.