How not to ache during pregnancy

How not to ache during pregnancy

During pregnancy at the woman the immunity decreases that promotes increase in risk to ache. Any infections and viruses can have negative impact on the course of pregnancy and a fruit. Therefore try to carry out measures for prevention of diseases, to fully eat and have a rest, increase immunity.


1. Use as much as possible fresh fruit and vegetables. Fresh juices contain so-called phytoncides (biological active agents which are formed in plants). They promote destruction and suppression of growth of the dangerous microorganisms capable to cause a bacterial disease. Try to eat fully and variously, your day diet has to contain in enough all necessary vitamins and minerals.

2. Use vitamins and dietary supplements, previously having consulted with the doctor, especially in cold season when the deficiency of fresh vitamins is observed. Intake of homeopathic antiviral and immunoperformance-enhancing drugs is possible. Begin their application only after consultation of the doctor observing you. For prevention of diseases use folk antiviral remedies, such as broth of a dogrose or fruit drink from a cranberry.

3. Grease mucous nasal passes with oksolinovy ointment before an exit to the street. Especially this procedure needs to be done during the outbreaks of infections or before visit of policlinic. Do not hesitate to carry a disposable bandage in places of a congestion of people at the height of epidemics. And right after arrival home wash out a nose and caress a throat water with camomile broth addition.

4. Limit whenever possible stay in populous places. If you need to go to shop, do it in the morning while the bulk of people is at work. If you need to use public transport, try not to plan the trip to rush hour.

5. Walk in the fresh air more often, it is desirable in places with clean air far from highways. Try to get enough sleep and avoid stressful situations fully. It is known that fatigue and emotional overloads promote decrease in immunity.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
