How to cure cold in one day at the child

How to cure cold in one day at the child

Among children's diseases of one of the most widespread the cold is. Cold or rhinitis occurs in kids of different age very often, and the quicker parents will take measures for elimination of the reasons and symptoms of a disease, the easier it will pass for the child. In this article we will tell how quickly and effectively to remove the causes of cold and to cure it folk remedies in one day.


1. In the onset of the illness suspend davleny garlic which will frighten off microbes over a bed of the kid. Prepare sterile solution from sea salt and dig in each nostril of the child two-three drops by means of the pipette. It will clear the nasal way from slime.

2. Washing needs to be done regularly – it will support purity of a nose and will promote elimination of a disease. If the cavity of a nose of the child swells, complicating breath, not more often than two times a day dig in to it vasoconstrictive drops – for example, Nazivin or Derinat.

3. Use special pear for suction of slime from the child's nose if he is not able to blow nose yet. Only after cleaning of a nose dig in in a drop.

4. The child has to be in the damp room – regularly air the room and do damp cleaning. Give it more warm drink for completion of moisture in an organism. It is useful to use drops of Protargol which save nasal passes from purulent slime.

5. For the night raise the child's pillow to raise the level of his head. It will facilitate breath. Do before going to bed inhalations of asterisk balm.

6. For washing of a nose besides salt solution use infusions of a camomile, a calendula, a plantain, a sage, a marjoram and also oil of a sea-buckthorn, a peach and eucalyptus which can be added to grass infusions. Draw herbs on a glass of boiled water two hours then cool and wash out the child's nose via the pipette.

7. Take two fresh leaves of an aloe, wash out them in warm water and squeeze out juice. Dissolve aloe juice with boiled water in a proportion 1:10 and dig in 3-4 drops of juice in each nostril several times a day. The aloe allows to struggle quickly and effectively with cold.

8. Recognized remedy for children are leg and hands baths. Do them before going to bed then put woolen socks on the child and put him to bed. Prepare for a foot bath infusion from leaves of a birch and pine needles. Fill in a tablespoon of each grass with two liters of boiled water and boil within five minutes. Draw herbs hour, fill in in a basin and dilute up to the temperature of 30-40 degrees. The child has to sit down near a basin, having put in it legs so that water reached knees. Do a bath of 20 minutes then child it is necessary to put to bed.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
