Most often to adults at whom the difficult child grows, not easy to believe that the kid wants to be in good mood. And it only because the child spends the most part of time in bad mood. Sometimes even it seems to adults that their child derives from it pleasure. Actually, it not so.
1. Children want happiness, just they not always understand that for this purpose it is necessary. Therefore, generally they are in dejectedness. The task of parents is in reminding the kid that such good mood. And it is necessary to begin with encouragement.
2. Encouragement works as an incentive to good behavior, and it not only for kids, but also for adults. When the child receives something pleasant either a smile, or a compliment or embraces owing to good behavior, such encouragement will please it. Process of encouragement develops new habits and over time turns into a positive reinforcement. This productive action which helps to induce the child to positive behavior.
3. It is necessary to encourage to any the child, but difficult children need him even more. They lack additional incentives for compensation of negative feelings in relation to themselves.
4. Parents should distinguish encouragement from bribery. In the second case the child knows that if he cries or will collect toys, then will receive the desirable. It most often has negative consequences. To calm the child, one praise is not enough, it is necessary to use such material encouragement as a visit of shop, purchase of toys or sweets. In such cases it is also bribery which will teach the child to manipulate parents rather, but not to obey them.
5. The praise is the best encouragement which should not be thought out in advance. It is not necessary kopeks from a material position, but costs very much from feelings. The most important, as for children it has bigger value, than some toy or candy. Of course, it is possible to encourage sometimes the child by means of gifts from it it will not be worse, even in some situations, it will be better for further progress in behavior.
6. It is pleasant to all to hear a praise in the address. For kids it is especially important to know that adults are proud of them. The praise has huge force. It means to the child a lot of things.
7. Promotion of desirable behavior has nothing in common with bribery and therefore is effective.