Often during pregnancy the women have a headache. It is caused by the fact that in an organism there is a hormonal reorganization. Future mothers are not recommended to take the anesthetizing drugs therefore it is better to resort to recipes of traditional medicine.
It is required to you
- - potatoes juice;
- - cabbage leaf;
- - paracetamol;
- - mint;
- - melissa;
- - flowers of a camomile pharmaceutical;
- - hips;
- - ice.
1. Massage will help to get rid of a headache. By finger-tips do circular motions, moving from a forehead to an occipital part of the head. During the procedure try to relax completely.
2. Take a fresh cabbage leaf, you remember it a little and apply to a sore point. Grease with juice of cabbage wrists of hands and deepening behind ears.
3. Regularly drink fresh juice of crude potatoes. Use it on a teaspoon 3-4 times a day.
4. It is possible to accept grass broth. Take on a tablespoon of leaves of mint, a melissa, flowers of a camomile pharmaceutical, hips. Carefully crush all components and mix. Fill in a tablespoon of the prepared mix of herbs with a glass of boiled water, cover and insist within half an hour. Drink 50 ml 3-4 times a day after meal.
5. The short-term dream can help to cope with pain too. Before laying down to have a rest, make a compress. Moisten a towel in cold water and apply it to a sore point. It is possible to replace water with the ice wrapped in a scarf.
6. At severe pain take 1-2 medicines of paracetamol. This means — one of the few — has no negative impact on health of future kid. But do not abuse.
7. Air more often the room in which you are, walk in the fresh air more, avoid stresses, you watch the food. Drink enough liquid.