Each future mom by the end of pregnancy counts up days, hours and even minutes to the birth of the long-awaited kid. But quite often there is it that there passes the fortieth week of pregnancy, the forty first already comes, and the tot does not hurry to be born at all. Naturally, the woman begins to be nervous and look for ways which can stimulate the beginning of childbirth.
1. It is possible to stimulate the beginning of childbirth, actively and often having sex. The special biologically active agents which are contained in men's sperm influence a neck of the uterus, promoting its fast maturing. Besides, active sex life causes reductions of a uterus, due to inflow of blood to it.
2. Excellent means of stimulation of the beginning of childbirth is the increased physical activity. To accelerate the long-awaited birth of the kid, it is useful for woman to walk long on foot, to wash the floors on all fours, to manually wash clothes, to go on a ladder instead of using the elevator. Only it is necessary to remember that physical exercises of this sort should not be a burden. At their performance it is necessary to take a frequent break for rest.
3. Very effectively stimulates the beginning of childbirth spicy food. But such way not only can cause long-awaited childbirth, but also to become the reason of emergence hated to the majority pregnant womenof women heartburn.
4. Thanks to the light laxative effect, for stimulation of the beginning of childbirth, ordinary boiled beet can help. At intake of this vegetable in food, muscles of intestines begin to be reduced, influencing at the same time and a uterus of future mom.
5. It is possible to stimulate the beginning of childbirth also with addition in parsley food. These greens, by the way, are useful not only in the union with vegetables, but also as a separate product.
6. Also active stimulation of nipples can cause uterine reductions. It is explained by the fact that such massage promotes production of hormone oxytocin.
7. The short visit to a bath with application of birch brooms before the forthcoming childbirth can also provoke their fast beginning.
8. The most important waiting for birth of the little long-awaited man is to relax, calm down and get rid of all fears of childbirth as much as possible.