If you ask the small child what qualities his relatives have, then the first that he will tell, is "kind". This the first that he sees in the people surrounding it. With age, besides kindness, children learn to mark out and other qualities – mind, beauty, humour. And kindness becomes something by itself understood.
If to ask the same question to parents namely to what they want to see the child then such quality as kindness will be not among the first too. Usually many answer this question figuratively, saying that the child has to be implemented as the personality, to find the way.
But kindness – is the main line of the person which will help it to become clever, honest, attentive to the neighbor and in general to find itself.
How to bring up the child kind?
It is difficult to answer this question to a descent. Kindness – a concept collective, also includes a set of other concepts, such as keenness, responsiveness, compassion, compassion, mercy, manner and it is a lot of others. And each of them needs also to study. One business to show compassion and to help the person in need, another is to regret a homeless kitten, the third is to show restraint and not to answer with roughness what it is absolutely unpleasant to hear.
Personal example
First of all, parents have to show the personal example kindness manifestation. People church seek to bring up the child in belief. It is important to give a good education and also to accustom to independence. It will be easy for such child to be kind. Visit the family who was hospitalized together or bring toys to orphanage. Do all this together with the child. So, you since childhood will impart to it care and compassion to people. Try to show to the kid, simple communication is how important for elderly people even if you heard their stories more than once. You remember, once you will grow old and the child by your example will communicate with you.
Get a habit to divide everything into all, then your children will be kind. When something much – it is easy to share. It is important to learn to share what is not enough. Also teach children to give gifts, and it is necessary to give something valuable, but not in damage to them. Show to the child as it is important to choose a gift necessary, start up also inexpensive. It is very good when children and parents share toys or things which him are not necessary. Of course, it is possible to throw out them, but it will be much better to give them to persons in need. It is educational process too.
Only our personal example will help to grow up the child kind, careful. And having become kinder, we will show to our children what it is necessary to be.