What shadows approach brown eyes

What shadows approach brown eyes

eyes can be not only dark brown. This color has set of shades: amber-yellow, gray-brown, green-brown, coffee. It is possible to emphasize natural beauty of brown eyes, skillfully using various shadows in make-up.

Brown eyes of any shade are perfectly combined with shadows of blue color. However, it is necessary to remember that blue color includes rich palette of hypostases from dark-violet to white-blue. It is better to emphasize light-brown eyes with light blue shadows, and dark, almost black iris demands saturated flowers in make-up: indigo or dark-violet. To define what shade of shadows will suit you, experiment with various combinations. Try to use different options of make-up also. Brown-green eyes meet quite seldom and, as a rule, are very beautiful. The make-up in this case has to emphasize both colors of iris of the eye favourably. Violet and blue shadows which can be applied on eyelids in various combinations will be suitable for this purpose. For example, it is possible to apply light blue shadows on all upper eyelid and to emphasize external corners of eyes in bright violet color. Brown-yellow eyes at skillful make-up are similar to dark amber with gold sparkles. In make-up of such eyes dark blue color which can be caused on mobile upper eyelid and along the line of growth of eyelashes on lower eyelid perfectly looks. The option with bright dark blue accents in corners of eyes will be suitable for daily make-up better. Owners of brown eyes of saturated coffee color, as a rule, have swarty skin and dark hair. Bright paints in clothes and make-up are suitable for this purpose like appearance. To make dark brown eyes brighter, use shadows with sateen and nacreous gloss. Brilliant accents can be caused on internal corners of eyes and under eyebrows. As for primary color of make-up of eyes, it can be practically any: golden, greenish, pink, silver-gray or blue. However kareglazka are not recommended to use brown shadows as they can make color of iris less expressive. Brown eyes can be made even more brightly if to use violet or dark blue eyeliner. In evening make-up color mascaras also very interestingly look. That the look seemed more open, take care of eyebrows. Correct their form by means of cosmetic pencil which has to be one tone more dark than color of your hair. That shadows kept better, use basis for make-up of eyes. This means not only will make make-up more resistant, but also will facilitate process of drawing and shading of shadows.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
