Children grow so quickly that the most part of clothes just does not manage to communicate. Also lies sometimes in packages – beautiful, bright, could please also kids and their mothers but only takes the place in a case. Therefore if there are no friends or relatives expecting addition in family sooner or later there is a question: where to give children's things?
1. Children's homes and orphanages. This the first that occurs when there is a question where to give children's things. But in practice not everything is so simple. Soft toys will hardly take, and plastic, wooden and metal - only on condition that they in good condition. As for clothes and footwear, here too there is a number of restrictions. Things should not be washed off, full of holes and frankly old-fashioned. Besides, it is worth remembering that child care facilities in different regions are financed and provided differently. Therefore what in the Moscow children's home can not be accepted in the next Ryazan region will be in joy. There it is possible to take away a stool for feeding, a carriage, a bath and all useful devices which still can serve.
2. Dairy kitchen. Often in points of delivery of free baby food bring clothes, footwear and toys. And, It should be noted, practically all things understand within the first hour. Minus of such option is that dairy kitchens, as a rule, work in the morning, and it is convenient not to all. To learn where there is closest point of delivery of free dairy products ("milk"), it is enough to ask any woman with the child up to two years.
3. Announcements on the Internet. On the websites of free announcements it is possible to find people who need a second-hand kidswear. If there is no wish to be engaged in search, it is possible to post information in the section "I will give for nothing" with the indication of the contact phone number or e-mail. It is possible to put to the announcement of the photo of children's things also. Plus of such option is that it is possible to agree about shipment at own expense and to coordinate convenient time of a meeting. Also it makes sense to register on the websites of children's orientation, as a rule, on them there are sections where mummies exchange the children's things which were in the use.