Optimists and pessimists differently treat life. The first never despond and perceive everything in light tones, the second in everything see only a negative side. At the same time, pessimism has also some positive lines which can be useful.
Pessimism and optimism it is necessary to consider a minimum from two points of view. In the first case it is about sincere health and health of the person, his feeling of happiness, understanding of the place in the world. In these two concepts it is necessary to compare in respect of achievement of the practical purposes – works, pits, etc.
Pessimism and sincere health
There are no doubts that pessimists feel much worse than optimists as in all that surrounds them, they see a negative. They always assume the worst, and their fears often come true. Pessimism really makes the life miserable, focusing attention of the person on all dark, gloomy, unpleasant.
Positive line of pessimists it is possible to call their ability not to be upset, and in it they are similar to optimists. Only the reason of quiet perception of troubles at optimists and pessimists different. The first with firmness accept failures and sacredly trust in bright future. The second from the very beginning did not hope for anything and did not count therefore failure is perceived by pessimists as something self-evident. Nevertheless, in this question the victory should be given to optimists. The belief in the better future gives firmness, passion, desire to win, by all means to achieve the. The optimist goes on life, without being afraid of difficulties, overcoming them with belief in the lucky star. This belief, this optimism help it to transfer even the most heartrending experiences. The pessimist of everything is afraid, in everything sees some dirty trick. He is full of fears which hold down, prevents to act.
Achievement of the practical purposes
It was already mentioned above that fears of pessimists have tendency to come true. It is connected with the fact that the thought is material, and negative thinking is really capable to attract to the person of trouble. Optimists much more often and quicker achieve the objectives – as at the expense of a spirit for a victory, high motivation and working capacity, and due to positive thinking. At the same time the excessive belief of optimists in a victory sometimes harms them. There is one subtle aspect connected with power laws of the Universe: if the person is too confident in something, his expectations, as a rule, do not come true. The similar self-confidence ruined not one optimist ‒ the most effective achievement of the goal requires quiet knowledge of the fact that it will be reached, but at the same time it is always necessary to allow also option of failure. The similar reservation, the fact of assumption of negative option of succession of events creates the most favorable conditions for achievement of the goal. The pessimist has no similar problem, he from the very beginning keeps a possibility of a negative outcome in mind. If not the general gloomy spirit, the pessimist could achieve easily the practical objectives – only because it has no self-confidence for which the universe always punishes. But it has no motivation, there is no passion, mood for work that usually and prevents obtaining the necessary result. Thus, and here a victory for optimists. The best way to achieve something is in working with belief in the forces, in a happy end. To be given to business entirely, to do everything that depends on you – and at the same time to understand that there is a failure probability. You made everything that you could, the rest does not depend on you. It turned out – remarkably, there is an occasion to be glad. It did not turn out – nothing, it is possible to worry. To try once again, to find other ways – and it is obligatory to achieve success!