Whether pregnant women can have camomile tea

Whether pregnant women can have camomile tea

 Using during pregnancy extremely useful tea in many cases from a camomile, future mothers can think of whether there are contraindications to its application. About advantage and possible harm of this drink and also about its recipes the speech will also go further.

Whether it is possible for pregnant women camomile tea

Experts claim that camomile tea for pregnant women not only is allowed for the use, but also is shown in many cases.

Study useful properties: camomiles for a face and hair, tea from a camomile, essential oil of a camomile.


Consumption of this drink by future mothers helps them:

  • to cope with toxicosis at early stages of pregnancy;
  • in treatment of the milkwoman and in fight against pathogens;
  • to normalize nervous system, eliminating consequences of a depression and stresses;
  • to adjust a quiet dream;
  • to normalize arterial blood pressure and to bring to an optimum state a cardiovascular system thanks to the essential oils which are contained in this flower;
  • to fight against spasms by means of the glycosides which are present at a plant;
  • to eliminate locks and an abdominal distension;
  • to prevent emergence in an organism of the centers of inflammatory processes;
  • at cold to fight against its manifestations in a throat and bronchial tubes as the camomile is a proven means for cough.

Contraindications and harm

At all the undoubted useful qualities tea with a camomile demands from pregnant women of care as excessive hobby can turn back it some problems in a look:

  • allergic reactions which, though happen seldom and can be imperceptible at small doses of consumption, at the excessive use are capable to be shown actively as rash and cold;
  • excessive excitement and dizziness;
  • the increased production of steroid hormones of estrogen in an organism which at a large number can lead to failures in normal course of pregnancy;
  • diarrheas and increases in acidity in a stomach, extremely undesirable against the background of gastritis.

Important! You should not have stale camomile tea as it has property very quickly to spoil.

How to make camomile tea: recipes

Recipe No. 1

  1. It is necessary to add 15 g of dried flowers of a camomile to liter of boiled water.
  2. To boil the received mix on slow fire of 10 minutes.
  3. To allow to infuse to tea half an hour.
  4. To filter drink before the use.

Recipe No. 2

  1. To rinse a tea half liter teapot from within with boiled water.
  2. In a teapot to fill up two tablespoons of dried flowers of a camomile.
  3. Then it is necessary to add the boiled water which cooled down up to 95 °C to a teapot.
  4. Having closed a teapot a cover, to leave it for insisting of drink within 5–7 minutes.
  5. To taste it is possible to add sugar or honey and a lemon to tea.

Whether you know? Decoction from flowers of a camomile is capable both to bleach face skin and to add to hair a golden shade and gloss.

As still it is possible to use a camomile during pregnancy

The versatility of a camomile product is shown in a wide range of its use during pregnancy:

  • washing at deterioration in a condition of an integument on a face;
  • steam inhalation of camomile infusion at congestion of a nose and cough that is a good alternative to the medicines undesirable at pregnancy;
  • rinsing at stomatitis and a sore throat;
  • rinsing of hair camomile broth at deterioration in their state.

Important! Any camomile infusion during pregnancy should be used as tea or rinsing for a throat, without applying it in the form of microenemas or syringing at all.

All the known flower the camomile conceals in itself the huge curative force which use reasonably can help to spend significantly safely to pregnant women the important and responsible period to their lives.

Pharmaceutical camomile at pregnancy: video

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
