How to archive mail

How to archive mail

Since that time as nowadays known services of e-mail were published, application developers made many useful changes. One of the last innovations is an archiving entering and also outgoing mail. This option of the e-mail server allows to save letters necessary to you in the separate folder.

It is required to you

  • Software of Microsoft Outlook Express, mail service of Gmail.


1. If you use a standard e-mail client in the operating system, for example, of Microsoft Outlook Express, it is possible to save all mail on the computer. For what does it become? For transfer of all letters from one computer on another and also at possible crash of a system this method is used (saving on the media). In a main window of the program click the top File menu, in the opened list select the Open item. It is necessary to specify the Export to the File parameter in a dialog box and to select the Data File of Outlook item. Do not forget to specify the name of the file of your letters (add date of creation of a message archive to the name of the file).

2. If you do not use programs which connect to e-mail servers, it is possible to use their web clients. From the existing representatives, at the moment, the most universal Gmail from the Google company is considered. Mail from Gmail allows to archive any mail and to save on the server that will allow you to save free disk space. Besides, you can integrate several mailboxes.

3. All archived letters are stored in the section "All Mail". Letters which were simply deleted disappear from a mailbox in 30 days, the archived letters are stored eternally. For archiving of the letter it is necessary to select it, having clicked an empty checkbox (small square), then to click "Archive" in the button bar over a letter window. Pay attention to the archived letters if you received several letters from one addressee, they form a chain, i.e. it is possible to manage messages one click of a mouse.

4. For moving of the letter or a chain of letters to the Entering folder, select one or several letters and click "Place in Entering".

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
