How to cancel request

How to cancel request

The procedure of canceling of request in different applications and services is carried out by the different methods depending on features of the selected program. Universal rules do not exist. Let's consider canceling of execution of request in the Visual Studio 2010, canceling of request of obligatory authorization of Windows and canceling of request of adding in friends in popular service VKontakte.


1. Open the Data menu of a top panel of tools of a window of the made query of VBA and open the Editor of Transact-SQL submenu.

2. Specify the Cancel Request Execution command or use the button of a top panel of the same name of tools of the editor.

3. Open a context menu of the editor by click of the right knopkiya of a mouse in its window and specify the Cancel Request Execution command or execute simultaneous clicking of function keys of Alt+Break for implementation of the procedure of canceling of the made query.

4. Open the main menu of the Windows operating system for canceling of request of obligatory authorization at login and pass into the Execute point.

5. Enter controluserpasswords2 value in the Open field and confirm command execution with clicking of the OK button.

6. Find the user account which is subject to canceling of request of obligatory authorization at login and deselect a checkbox in the field "Require input of a user name or the password" in the opened dialog box.

7. Confirm the choice with clicking of the Apply button and enter the password in the respective field of a window of request of a system.

8. Repeat this action once again for completion of authorization and use the OK button.

9. Reboot for application of the selected changes.

10. Define ID of the user of social network "VKontakte" who is subject to canceling of append query in friends. For this purpose pass to its page and guide the mouse cursor at the link "Send a Gift".

11. Find ID value of the user in the status bar for the browser which is in the lower part of a window after to= value, and remember it.

12. Enter значениåзначение_номера_IDи confirm canceling of append query in friends with clicking of a function key of Enter.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
