is one of popular modern e-mail servers. It is convenient in work, is simple in understanding, has a number of unique opportunities. How exactly to come on a mailbox on
1. Start your web browser. Visit the website For this purpose in the field of an address bar of the browser enter without quotes of "". The homepage of the website will open.
2. Find the Mail block at the left. If you have no own mailbox on yet, register it, for this purpose click the inscription "Registration of Mail" and undergo step by step process of creation of the account. Then enter the login and the password received as a result of your actions for access to a box. If you are already registered, then it is rather simple to enter the login and the password in the respective fields and to click "Enter".
3. If you forgot the password, you can restore access to a mailbox, having pressed the Forgot? button.
4. Check near the inscription "Someone Else's Computer" if you come on a mailbox from someone else's computer (for example, from work or from friends).
5. If you already once made an input on mail from this web browser earlier and it saved your password, then having automatically visited the website, you will be able not to enter any data for authorization, and at once to press the Enter button, or to pass to the Entering folder or to writing of the new letter.
6. If you have any questions concerning use of mail on, in the Mail block in the upper right corner the icon with the image of the question mark is located. It is a call of a help system, in it there are answers to the frequently asked questions and problems of users.
7. Having made an input on a mailbox, you can at once begin to work with the letters: entering to you, sent by you created earlier by the draft copies deleted in a basket, marked as spam, you can create and send new, etc.