Virtual communication for many became a commonplace. Various social networks, blogs, forums allow to state the point of view, to discuss different subjects, to strike up new acquaintances and to maintain the relations with old friends. It becomes sometimes interesting that other people write about you to network.
1. Of course, you will not be able to follow all resources. But to receive the information about the one who and as speaks of you, quite perhaps. Most of users use for communication in network an alias – a nickname. If you use the same nickname on different resources, it will be simpler to collect information.
2. Open any search engine (Yandex, Google and so on) and enter the nickname in a query field. Searchers periodically index the websites then information from the browsed resources gets to base of the search engine. Respectively, in it there will be also your nickname. If it is rather original, chances that from the first you will find information necessary to you, increase.
3. Follow the references to resources which were found by the search engine. Not all information will concern you. Perhaps, you will meet comments on people who use the same nickname, as you. Some references can be given you on file hosting services, except a mention of your nickname, there is nothing interesting on them. Not to browse all material stated on the opened page use function of search in the browser (the Find command in the Editing menu or the Ctrl keyboard shortcut and F).
4. For more concretized search you can use Yandex service. Tape. Open the page to the address and enter the nickname in the search field. In the right part of a line there is a small window with a drop-down list by means of which it is possible to set search options.
5. Select, for example, the In Blogs point and press the Find button or the ENTER key. Sorting of coincidence to a keyword will be made in blogs. It is possible to concretize even more search conditions, having specified that coincidence should be looked for in records, microblogs, comments or on twitters. By the same principle it is possible to carry out search at forums.