How to offer news in group of VKontakte

How to offer news in group of VKontakte

The social network VKontakte is constantly updated and improved, acquiring various useful functions. Already for a long time on it such function appeared as "offer news" in community.

The option "offer news" is rather convenient as for moderators and administrators of the groups which not always are in time to fill communities with necessary content and for subscribers who want to share the thoughts, the pleasant pictures or expressions.

Technology of the offer of news


The algorithm of actions is rather simple: coming into community where there is a wish to add any information, you see group "wall". Directly over the block of records there is a light blue band where the total number of posts is specified (for example, 2500 records), and more to the right in the same band there is a link "offer news".


It should be noted that not all communities have the similar reference. Depending on the policy of privacy to which administrators of the page adhere they can close the present possibility from subscribers. And some communities, on the contrary, allow to use this function even if you are not their subscriber.

After click on the link of the offer of news, the small window where it is possible to leave record will open, if desired having attached to it the picture, video or other content supported by VKontakte service. Having made record, press on the right below the button which is called also: "offer news". After that the message gets for consideration to the administrator/moderator who solves whether it is worthy placements on a wall of community. If news is approved, you receive the automatic notification on it in the answers block.

Additional nuances

In the popular communities loaded by information, the offered news can be considered by administrators long enough. If the placed information has advertizing character, the manual of a page has the right to demand from you a certain sum as "wall" is not only the place for news posts, but also the qualitative advertizing site.

Function of the offer of news is only in public pages, this option is at the moment unavailable to normal groups. The news approved by the administrator can be placed as with your signature under it (the link to your page), and without it, depending on rules of community and conscientiousness of administration. The offer of news in interesting communities – a great way to share with other ideas and a view of the world, to find new acquaintances and to gain some fame.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
