How to replace a website ucoz icon

How to replace a website ucoz icon

The icon of the website which the browser draws in an address bar is called Favicon (Favorite Icon). The browser places the same icon and in favorites if the visitor of the website adds it there. Its search engine Yandex places in the list of search results. However by default all websites created in the free UCOZ system have the identical favicon icons. It is easy to correct this shortcoming. Instruction 1. Create a label which will replace a standard icon of UCOZ. The initial option can be drawn in any graphics editor - it should be the square picture with a size of party of 16 pixel. Many versions of modern browsers are able to display and larger icons (32 on 32, 42 on 42), but in this case those visitors whose browsers of it cannot do, will not see in general any label. As the share of such browsers is still rather high, it is better to adhere to basic standards. 2. Use the ico format for saving the created website icon. With a format the situation just the same, as well as with sizes - in spite of the fact that a part of browsers will be able correctly to display favico in the formats png, gif, bmp, nevertheless is better to use especially for it the intended ico format. This format practically all correctly understand the versions of browsers which are available today. If the graphics editor used for creation of an icon has no saving option in this format, then it is possible to use online services for converting of standard graphic formats in ico. Some services (for example, can not only convert ready icons, but also help to create favicon "from scratch" directly in the browser, without use of additional programs. 3. Come into the control panel of your website in the UCOZ system and start "File manager". The manager will open a root folder of the website in which there is a favicon.ico file containing a label by default. Press the Browse button, find the prepared icon and click the Load button. Minutes five it will be required to a system on update process, and then the label on your website will be replaced with the new picture.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
