If you throughout a long time brought together base of useful and valuable bookmarks in the browser, but for some reason accidentally lost access to them or saw that the bookmarks bar for some reason disappeared from the menu of the browser – do not hurry to despair and reinstall the browser. It is simple to restore the bookmarks bar, and we will tell how to make it, on the example of the Mozilla Firefox browser, widespread among Internet users.
1. Open the browser and in the menu bar press the View button. In the opened list guide mouse cursors at the inscription "Side bar" - the subsection from three points (bookmarks, the log, Delicious) will open on the right.
2. Click the word "Bookmarks" - after that in a side bar of your browser the window with the list of bookmarks which, nevertheless, differs in some characteristics from a tab usual to you in which it was possible to manage easily bookmarks will appear and to add the page to the list.
3. Above, when you opened the subsection of a side bar, you could see point of a toolbar Delicious there. If it is installed as addition to your version of Mozilla Firefox, then he needs to be blamed for disappearance of the control button bookmarks from the menu.
4. On a toolbar of Delicious click on its name to open the list of functions of a toolbar. Find the line Show bookmarks menu in the list and click it.
5. After that the button of bookmarks should return on the menu bar, and the window opened in a side bar is not required to you any more – favorites will be displayed in a usual format again.
6. If the reason of disappearance of the button of bookmarks consists not in Delicious toolbar, try to ask a question in technical support of Mozilla or at a forum of developers and users of the browser and also try to reinstall the browser if the last ways do not help to restore the bookmarks bar.
7. In a side bar previously save bookmarks on the computer that in the reinstalled program to enter them again.