The CEO the optimized text: advantage and harm

The CEO the optimized text: advantage and harm

Writing of texts for the websites not such simple task as can seem. The texts placed on web pages should conform to requirements of the CEO, and otherwise advance of the website will not bring positive results.

Important stage in website promotion is internal optimization of pages which means work with text and graphic content, editing meta-tags and improvement of a usability (convenience of the website to visitors). Optimization of texts consists in increase in their relevance, structuring, check on uniqueness and editing nonunique fragments.


Advantage of optimization of texts


From competently performed optimization the advantage unambiguously will be. Search engines raise the websites containing qualitative, relevant and unique content in results of delivery. Therefore the texts posted on the website should be competent in terms of rules of spelling, have high uniqueness and also contain keywords, subheadings and thematic images.


However if with uniqueness and lack of grammatical errors everything is clear, then such concept as relevance raises many questions. What should be the relevant text and what density of keywords is optimum?

The exact formula for calculation of optimum relevance does not exist. Therefore during creation of relevant texts it is necessary to adhere only to the general recommendations:

• Not include more than one-two exact occurrences of a key phrase on 1500-2000 characters of the text.
• It is desirable to use keywords in headings and subheadings.
• Even separate words from a key phrase should not repeat in the text too often.

Whether there is a harm from optimization of texts?

Optimization can negatively affect advance of the website if it is executed incorrectly. Several years ago articles with big percent of keywords well influenced positions of the websites. However times change, search algorithms will be improved, technologies of work of search engines do not stand still.

Now if to overdo with a density of keywords, then the search engine Yandex, most likely, will lower website positions for reoptimization. However specialists CEOS still have an opposite concept — "nedooptimization". Therefore during the work with content there can be a question how to avoid a nedooptimization and at the same time not to allow reoptimization of texts? To find the answer to this difficult question, it is recommended to analyze content on the top websites of similar subject. For example, it is possible to take in one text from each competitive website from the TOP 10 and to analyze density of keywords, and then to be guided by an average value.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
