What is the Darknet and how there to get

What is the Darknet and how there to get

For the last decades in the Internet there were many changes. But not everyone knows that the wide area network has also a reverse side which is not visible to the regular user. This dark surface of network received the name Darknet that in translation is meant literally by "dark network". What is "Darknet"? And whether anyone can get there?

Darknet: general information

Usually "Darknet" mean special private network which works in a protected mode by the term. Connection on such network is established only between the entrusted users. In communication they often call themselves "friends".

In this closed part of network non-standard ports and protocols widely are applied. The main line of this segment – full anonymity of communication and file sharing.

The Darknet is applied most often when it is required to hide any information from public eyes. It is considered that in this network segment the illegal activity which the governments are not able to control is actively conducted. The Darknet became a part of the non-profit networks connected with "underground" technologies.

Among net surfers there is no unity in application of terminology. Most of them connect the Darknet with Deep Web and Dark Web. These concepts often put in one row and use as synonyms. However each of the described Internet technologies has own interpretation.

Understand a set of web pages which the normal search engine is not able to scan as Deep Web. Usually such pages are created by means of requests to different online databases.

Dark Web call "a dark web". It is supposed that this network is presented by fragments where the special software which can be found in free access is required. However all data of "a dark web" belong to the general, wide area network.

Information in "dark network" is hidden under cover of the special software. It is protected by encryption, guaranteeing a certain anonymity. Here domains and protocols which to the regular user of the Internet never accidentally will come to hand are used.

From the history of the Darknet

"The dark Internet" began to be formed still half a century back. For the purpose of safety it was isolated from the Arpanet network which became a basis of the modern Internet. The base of a wide public area network was created by the American military specialists since 1969. A "dark" part of the future of the Internet was required for data collection which Arpanet needed; there the anonymity was provided.

The closed network segment began to gain high popularity since 2002. It was supposed that here access for certain users who will be able freely to exchange files and information will be open. For work of a segment channels with a high throughput were created.

Use of Darknet

Why the regular user seeks to get access to "dark side" of network? Researchers believe that in such a way people want to guarantee themselves personal privacy and to avoid possible political repressions. The closed segment can be used by those who distribute the documents protected by copyright. Someone thinks of using closed channels of communication for commission of unseemly actions in an information technology sphere. For this reason the Darknet is very attractive for shady characters and criminal structures.

Those who are a little familiar with the concept "dark Internet", believe that it is the center of all forbidden and illegal. It is considered that in this part of network the most important crimes are preparing:

  • murders;
  • drug traffic;
  • pornography;
  • slave trade;
  • illegal sale of human bodies.

There is information that in the Darknet if desired it is possible to find online stores selling all types of weapon and false documents.

 The main feature of the Darknet is that any government in the world is not able to control such activity as this segment of the Internet is provided by not indexed websites. Any search engine cannot find them. It is impossible to find such resources by means of the normal browser.

How to get into the Darknet

For a start it is necessary to remind of features of the normal Internet. It is presented by a set of pages which can be without effort indexed by search engines. It is possible to find social networks, resources for remote work, the site for purchase and sale in an open part of global "web" anything.

But when it comes to "the dark Internet", the situation cardinally changes. This closed network segment is available through special services. One of them – the Tor browser. This software can open the websites which terminate on .onion (in translation from English – "onions").

As the guide to "the onions country" usually serve standard reference catalogs. Otherwise also cannot be, traditional search mechanisms in this part of network do not work. But even by means of the "onions" browser it will be impossible to find something by means of normal searchers in the closed segment. Information for access to "dark side" of network is stored at forums where it is required to be registered. In some cases the adventurer should execute testing and to give the blood bitcoins for an information access.

But also here the user is waited by surprises. Darkenet represents "vagabonding bogs" and "quicksands". Information is in the constant movement here. The separate websites which are present at directories at the time of the address to them can quite not exist any more. Directories too move from time to time, change the addresses.

Even fluent viewing directories allows to understand that on "the dark Internet" place the mass of "dirty" information. Here it is possible to find:

  • offers buy counterfeit documents;
  • shelters of hackers;
  • contacts to dealers in weapon;
  • resources on distribution of a pornography;
  • offers on illegal purchase of currency.

It is necessary to remember that very many references to such resources are used by swindlers who seek to get money at the trustful beginners who are submerged the first time in Darknet abysses.

Researchers consider a positive side of the Darknet the fact that here everyone can freely introduce the ideas, without being afraid of political prosecution. According to some information, dissidents from many countries of the world find a shelter in this segment. They have the blogs where they exchange the ideas and reasons. On open Internet sites the policies cannot make it driven by the authorities: they are waited by inevitable prosecution.

Before being let in surfing on the "dark" party of network, properly think. Main issue: why to you it? Do you look for resources which are prohibited on "surface"? Then be ready that your activity will not remain unaddressed from the competent authorities monitoring safety in network. It is necessary to remember that absolutely full anonymity even in the closed segment of the Internet is guaranteed to nobody. As the proof to that serve periodic revelations of those who with use of the Darknet were engaged in fraud, blackmail and other unseemly, and even simply criminal affairs.

If you intend to seize the Darknet only for satisfaction of own curiosity, then can quite be disappointed. Without any purpose to wander about "the dark Internet" very and very boringly. The most important, confidential materials do not give all the best for a public inspection also here. They are available only to a narrow circle of people which trusts only each other and do not let in the closed world of the curious strangers.

Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
