How to get rid of a malefice?

How to get rid of a malefice?

The malefice is any bad influence of one person on another. To guide at someone a malefice it is not obligatory to be the sorcerer at all, and moreover, it is even not obligatory to bear this person the malice. The most ordinary whiners who constantly complaining to you can guide a malefice, shift to you a part of the troubles. Well, and the person who envies you, of course, can maleficiate, bears the malice which you strongly offended. Because of such simplicity of business, very much as a result should be puzzled with how to get rid of a malefice.

Signs of a malefice

Before starting the description of the question interesting you – how to get rid of a malefice independently, let's be convinced that you after all have it:

  • feeling sick, fear, irritation and insomnia without the visible reasons;
  • you feel dickey even in own house;
  • you sharply lost weight, quickly get tired, feel thorax pain;
  • you feel from time to time around yourself the very unpleasant smells without existence of their source: a reserve of the decaying flesh, sweat, fell;
  • one pupil became more than another;
  • there are hallucinations, hear noise which is absent, your teeth creak;
  • at young men the potency vanishes;
  • you are afraid of people and avoid crowded places, and your friends – avoid you and your house;
  • in church to you it became uncomfortable, during reading a prayer something disturbs, the pharynx begins, and the cross on a breast presses, scratches;
  • on a threshold you finds shreds of hair, a peel, metal objects;
  • suddenly in the house mice, cockroaches, ants appeared;
  • began to pull you to alcohol, you became whining.

If you respond to the vast majority of theses in the affirmative, so it is time to start disposal of a malefice and damage.

Way 1

Takes a glass with clear water and 9 matches. It is necessary to burn each match till the end, following setting fire to everyone from previous. We throw the burned match into water and we say: "Not the ninth, not the eighth, not seventh …" and so on. A match if there is no malefice, remain afloat on a surface if at least one of them, having accepted vertical position, rolled in water – on you a malefice. Further we do the following: this water we draw crosses on a forehead, shoulders, elbows, wrists and in the field of a solar plexus, pronouncing "Good in gate, the evil left forever". Further we drink three gulps from this water, remained it is possible to pour out.

Way 2

There is one more simple plot which will help to remove a malefice:

"There will be I, the Christian (name), blagoslovyas, being rechristened, I will go from doors to doors, from gate in gate, under a gorgeous sunshine, under light month, under chernyya clouds: is at me, the slave Bozhiya, - in the clean floor the okiyan-sea, - at the okiyane-sea stands zlat the island, on gold the island there is a throne, on gold a throne there is Mother Blessed Virgin Mary, with blue the seas foam are blown off and brushes away, - brush away from the God's slave, 12 silences, 12 kamchuzhishchev (the name chiryev kuchkovaty and pakhovik), 12 neduzhishchev, 12 fat, bone, dray, vein and semi-vein: keys, locks - in water, fire uphill, for the sake of the Father and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".


Author: «MirrorInfo» Dream Team
