Having appeared in the market relatively recently, soluble chicory already found the admirers. The product perfectly cleans an organism, strengthens vital forces and even helps to get rid of some illnesses. However not it is equally useful to all. To help you to be defined whether it is worth including this drink in the daily menu, we prepared for you full information on its useful and possible harmful properties.
Structure of a product
The powder which is filled in by boiled water serves as the best alternative to habitual coffee. This natural concentrate does not contain nutritional supplements, dyes and other harmful components. It is made on special technology: the back of a plant is fried, then dried up and milled to a powdery state. Before the use the concentrate is parted to taste in boiled water. In the color, aroma and taste this drink is very similar to classical natural coffee.
Quite often this vegetable powder is mixed with ground coffee — even more saturated coffee drink turns out. Thanks to chicory of property of coffee improve, the price is reduced the price. At the same time in drink from a root there is no gram of caffeine, therefore it is recommended when consumption of caffeinated products is undesirable.
Sometimes this vegetable powder is applied as seasoning to some dishes. An underground part (back) of a plant represents the whole storeroom of connections, irreplaceable for internals. The powdery product includes useful micro and macrocells (calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, iron and other), proteinaceous and tannins, organic acids, pitches and also pectin.
Learn, than chicory is useful and harmful.
At soluble powder there is following organic matter:
- B1 vitamin;
- Riboflavinum;
- carotene;
- nicotinic acid;
- ascorbic acid.
As a part of a back polysaccharide of inulin and a glycoside intibin are also found. Concentration of useful inulin in the dried-up root of a plant makes about 60-75%. Low-calorie inulin provides drink with characteristic sweet (in popular coffee and tea this substance is absent). Therefore consumption of such drink allows the person to refuse partially sugar. Mitigation of slightly bitter taste of a plant requires not enough granulated sugar, many do not add it at all. As for an intibin, exactly thanks to this glycoside drink has original, slightly bitterish taste.
Whether you know? At military in ancient times one romantic legend was connected with chicory. Seeing off soldiers in fight, their wives and brides primatyvat a back of this grass to the tool. Women believed that the wonderful root will help to defeat the strongest opponent, and will return their family home safe and sound.
Caloric content and nutrition value
The ground root of a plant is characterized by low power value. This indicator can be counted, proceeding from concentration of kilocalories in 100 grams of a product. Powder of chicory contains 11 kilocalories.
Nutrition value (on 100 grams of powder):
- proteins — 0.1 g;
- carbohydrates — 2.8 g;
- fats — 0 g.
Than it is useful and as influences an organism
Because the root of chicory gives in to processing, properties of powder are a little other than a usual root. Nevertheless, the majority of important qualities remains. The concentrate is popular not only because of flavoring features, but also due to treatment-and-prophylactic properties. Thanks to unique structure of a product, its consumption leads to the following favorable changes in an organism:
- preserves against stresses, removes overfatigue;
- promotes expansion of vessels, stabilizes functions of a cardiac muscle;
- normalizes operability of a digestive tract, eliminates slags from intestines;
- promotes removal of poisons, positively influences a liver;
- it is useful to the haematogenic system, concentration of glucose in blood lowers;
- accelerates the exchange phenomena, promotes loss of excess weight;
- strengthens the protective system of an organism;
- has exciting effect.
Whether you know? The famous ancient scientist and the doctor Avicenna applied chicory in the practice to therapy of stomach ulcer, gout, diseases of eyes. It considered that this plant "opens obstruction in vessels", helps at arrhythmia. And the scientist called drink from a chicory root excellent means for thirst satisfying.
Whether it is possible chicory
Further we will understand in what cases soluble raw materials and when it is better to refuse its consumption are recommended to children and also pregnant women and the feeding women.
To children
The product is useful not only to an adult organism, but also to children's health. The concentrate increases appetite at the child, supplies an organism with organic matter, increases immunity, calms the child. Powder has the antiflogistichesky, antimicrobic, lowering high temperature of a body properties. Drink is recommended already from one-year-old age, for this reason it is often entered into the menu of kindergartens and a day nursery. However it is desirable to enter this product into a diet of the kid with care. To warn an allergy, try to pour at first not enough powder into the warmed-up milk and to monitor reaction of a children's organism. If the unforeseen phenomena are not noted, the portion can be increased gradually. After 3-4 years the portion of a product can be increased to a teaspoon in day. You can offer the child cool drink with addition of honey or citrus juice. It is also useful to accept powder with milk (lactic acids will be better acquired). It is impossible to give drink:
- to children till 1 year;
- at problems with lungs;
- at predisposition to excess weight;
- at individual sensitivity.
Important! Getting a product, attentively study an original packing. Good powder has to be made of a natural root of a grass, but not of an extract.
To pregnant women
The woman expecting the kid is forced to change considerably the habitual food allowance, in particular, to refuse coffee. In this case saves soluble chicory. Often doctors recommend to pregnant women to use these soluble raw materials. One cup of drink on early terms helps to remove in the mornings nausea, and on late — saves from stagnant processes in an organism.
It will be interesting to learn - than tea rooibos, milk oolong tea, a sencha and also white, ginger, Kuril, green and black tea is useful.
The product normalizes an emotional state, well influences cardiovascular and haematogenic systems, supports a spleen and a liver, eliminates toxins from an organism, copes with locks, heartburn and nausea. Chicory serves as prevention of anemia at future mothers. Plus to everything, is a source of vitamins, organic acids and useful inulin. However this product has the restrictions for women "in situation". Chicory expands vessels a little therefore at varicosity or hemorrhoids it is better to refuse it. And in view of the toning properties the root is contraindicated at gastritis or an ulcer. It is known that this plant strengthens cough therefore at catarrhal illnesses it is better to give preference to other drinks. Also consider that the plant stimulates appetite and can lead to an undesirable set of weight.
Read also about such drinks as: coffee with milk, kissel, garnet, cabbage and tomato juice.
Contrary to indisputable advantages of a plant, opinions of experts on its advantage for nursing mothers differ. Adherents of a strict diet during chest feeding insist on the ban more often. However it was already proved that there is no need for such restrictions, the main thing is not to abuse this concentrate. Therefore the feeding women can quite drink these soluble raw materials.
Important! An obstacle to consumption of powder of chicory is the allergy at the child to plants of this family. Therefore for a start consume drink small volumes and you monitor reaction of the child. If the baby has no allergic phenomena, can safely increase a portion.
Contraindications and harm of soluble chicory
Chicory which harm can be connected with very useful ingredients in its structure needs to be consumed with care. For improvement and prevention it is enough to drink couple of cups a day. Excess consumption can lead to disorders of digestion, diarrhea, an abdominal distension and a meteorizm. People cannot use soluble raw materials with a number of chronic diseases or the broken functions of an organism:
- stomach ulcer or inflammation mucous a stomach (can aggravate situation);
- asthma or inflammation mucous bronchial tubes;
- The 2 or 3 degree of swelling of peripheral veins under skin (chicory has vasodilating effect);
- hemorrhoids (can lead to bleeding);
- problems with a gall bladder;
- presence of cardiovascular pathologies.
It is important! If at you the intolerance of chicory was revealed, then and on a concentrate from its root there will also be an unpleasant reaction. Having drunk drink, you can find in yourself tachycardia, weakness in a body, dizziness or nausea. Sometimes the allergy is shown in the form of rashes, hypostases and an itch on skin. Any undesirable reaction has to become a reason for an exception of this product of a diet.
Chicory is a plant on the fan. Taste and aroma at it specific. But if this product was to the taste to you, then it will become the wonderful assistant for maintenance of health.